• NEW! LOWEST RATES EVER -- SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE VERY BEST PREMIUM PARACAST EXPERIENCE! Welcome to The Paracast+, eight years young! For a low subscription fee, you can download the ad-free version of The Paracast and the exclusive, member-only, After The Paracast bonus podcast, featuring color commentary, exclusive interviews, the continuation of interviews that began on the main episode of The Paracast. We also offer lifetime memberships! Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! You can sign up right here!

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Introducing The Paracast Supporters Club

Free episodes:


Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
Nearly 10 years ago, we expanded access to The Paracast with The Paracast+. For a low subscription fee, you were able to download a special version of the show without network ads. And there were many — possibly too many — when we were distributed by the now defunct GCN.

We also added a bonus feature, the exclusive After The Paracast podcast, with extra content, and special interviews. It’s the best way to listen to the show, and you can choose from hundreds of episodes to download.

With the end of GCN, The Paracast is now hosted at Spreaker, a division of iHeart Radio. There are fewer than half as many ads, and they give us a piece of the action. Well, after 60-90 days for the first payment.

Spreaker recently introduced yet another way for us to offer you special content — Supporters Club. It’s another convenient way for you to unlock ad-free episodes from The Paracast+. It may also be easier to use, because you don’t have to register in our forums to subscribe.

The Paracast Supporters Club doesn’t replace The Paracast+. It’s just another way for you to access exclusive content.

Even better, new episodes for The Paracast Supporters Club and The Paracast+ will post soon as they are ready, usually 12-24 hours before the free episodes.

Subscriptions to The Paracast Supporters Club are $4.00 per month. You can pay via credit/debit card along with some other payment methods, such as Apple Pay. But not PayPal so far.

To sign up, please use the following link:

Now using a third-party platform means we have to follow their rules, not our own. So subscriptions are available strictly on a month-to-month basis. At the start, our Supporters Club episode library will include current episodes, but will expand to older episodes over time as subscriptions expand.

While it’s more difficult to set up, you may still prefer The Paracast+.

The monthly price is just the same, $4.00 per month. But you can also subscribe for lower average rates by the year, five years, or lifetime. There are more options to pay, including PayPal. For now there well be far more episodes available, at last count over 1,000. It will take a while before The Paracast Supporters Club library begins to catch up, but if you only want the latest and greatest, it may not matter.

To sign up to The Paracast+, please click or tap our member upgrade link below:

If you find value in The Paracast Community Forums and our radio show, The Paracast, and it brings information and enjoyment to your life, you can also show your appreciation by making a donation to help cover our costs.

To donate, please click on the link below:

Thank you.