When farmers worked the land with their families for most of the waking hours of the day, every day of the week, they did so out of necessity. No one needs to go online and play angry birds, 2048, plants vs. zombies, and similarly, no one needs to update their twitter, instagram, check their facebook, fakebook, or their crack cocaine app book for any good reason, really. These tools are all about self-obsession and narcissism - forums can fit very snuggly into that space some could argue, though there's always the quality of unique conversation and dialogue…
The bits and bytes and tweets, licks and likes, however, are just a quick hit off of the touchscreen pipe and all have much more to do with Huxley's SOMA than any other drug i've seen. The invisible net carries people to the moon and back as hours dissolve through the day, while bodies sink deeper into couches.
Make no mistake about it - we are in an age of mental slavery and the technology freely leads us there. Program or be programmed. Or at least consider leaving the tech off and go for a walk, read or write a book, make some love or music but at least take the headphones off and crawl out of that digital cocoon for a while before you become a reptilian.
I see many youth daily, heads down, thumbs on the screen, texting about the latest emotional jab to knock them around. Like doctors on call, many are online for many of the waking hours of the day, tilling barren digital soil, getting themselves worked up over not much, and often destabilized and off task because there's a rumour going around about them, or a best friend's just posted an 'unlike' on their new selfie. There's a lack of deep drinking at the conversational well for this generation as they sip on 140 characters or less at a time - their whole emotional universe revolving around a single sentence of compressed lingo. Their addictions cause them to reach into their pants for the phantom buzz as they pocket dial yet another emergency call by accident. They don't even know how big the emergency is or even understand how they slipped accidentally into the digital well.
Brave New World indeed. The consequences of this instantaneous world view, aside from incredible issues of low self-esteem, stress, distress, depression and increased suicide rates also include a lack of critical literacy and the ability to sell them almost anything. When you have to work hard to survive and subsist, you tend not to waste your most precious resource - time. But kids today…jeez…(am i showing my age?)…some of them seem to be more than just a little lost.