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Is it or isn't it, or it kinda is?..........

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Skilled Investigator
I'm not one who believes everytime I hear a specific alarmist prediction of this or that. HOWEVER, a fool would say, "No Planet-X or (comet, volcano, pole flip, etc etc) E.L.E. is going to happen." I don't live everyday based on fearing those though.
But to just what extent do you'all think that something terribly wrong is going on? Some days I believe in a sudden high gear Illuminot'ic type of agenda, other days, eeeeehhhhh....... everytime I go get 'food', a newly stocked supply takes longer and longer to show up. Fresh----excuses are always readily onhand. I know that the selections for a poor person who is not in a situation to garden or store MREs, is -----God Awfull. Thanks.
I don't believe in predictions/prophetic dreams etc, I am a little worried to the extend that I know what sheer believe can do, especially if a lot of people believe the same. The recent dying of birds and fish occur quite regularly, I really think the media is out of stories to report at the moment. Google some of it, and if there are any 'poleshift' believers here, take a long look.

It's too big for hotlinking the image, here you go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Earth_Magnetic_Field_Declination_from_1590_to_1990.gif

I don't understand the question. Sorry. I would have totally answered with my opinion, because I borderline thought I had an idea of what you were talking about, and then I got lost.
While I don't consider myself to be an alarmist, there are SHTF scenarios. Not so major ones happen frequently, such as tornadoes, wildfires, mud/rock slides. Major ones do happen too- Katrina, the Indonesian tsunami of 2004, the Haiti earthquake- major disasters that destroy the local infrastructure leading too lawlessness, no food or medical help for some time. I think it's only prudent to be a moderate paranoid. I have a lot of emergency food, medical supplies, and other emergency stuff stored away, but able to be gotten at quickly.
As a paranoid person, I keep watch on the news for anything that might be a threat to my family.
Sudden news reports about wildlife dying off around the world for no superficialy apparent reason is cause for paying attention.
Speculating as to what might be going on (speculating defined as "listing as many possible causes as you can, and determine which ones are crap and which ones are possible or even probable) could be a life saver. 99.9% of the time there's nothing to worry about.
But that .01% will get you every time if you are not alert, watchful, considerate, and yes, paranoid.
Thanks exo-doc. You sound like a sincerely informed and intelligent person. I would like your view on the link I am going to provide. It regards something that happened back in 2008, but it appears to me, anyway, to have similarities to "the blunt force trauma" that impacted many recent birds. Could it be scalar weaponry?
Note to everyone who opens this link, you -must- scroll down through the whole thing so that you can see all the photos and comments. THANKS.
Not to be culturalist (if that's even a word... is it? It probably is now...) but this sort of thinking is almost entirely limited to the USA as far as I can tell.

You guys need to calm the F down. If there's ever gonna be a MAD MAX scenario it'll be because you brought it on yourselves by living in a state of nigh-constant, hair-trigger, sleep-with-one-eye-open paranoia.
Thanks exo-doc. You sound like a sincerely informed and intelligent person. I would like your view on the link I am going to provide. It regards something that happened back in 2008, but it appears to me, anyway, to have similarities to "the blunt force trauma" that impacted many recent birds. Could it be scalar weaponry?
Note to everyone who opens this link, you -must- scroll down through the whole thing so that you can see all the photos and comments. THANKS.

Interesting phenomena. The side of the car was crumpled like aluminum foil without damage to the paint. The paint not being damaged, not even scratched, is what intrigues me. The "crumpled" appearance looks distinctly different from damage caused by impact from something or punching and kicking, it almost seems to have a melted quality to it. No blood no hair tends to rule out a deer impact, but not completely.
The investigator Sam Maranto finding the mirror gasket on the highway where the girl claims her car "lurched" lends a lot of credence to her story. Most of the explanations I saw involved theorizing the girl doing something wrong and trying to cover it up, the usual kind of brush-off of the facts strange events usually get. I think finding the gasket shows her story is what happened.
What caused her car to mildy lurch and do that unusual kind of damage driving at highway speeds?
-A deer that left no blood or hair. I don't buy that one, but it's a possibility that must be considered.
-A new weapon of some sort? I have no idea because I don't know anything about scalar weapons, but I intend to rectify that today.
-Some kind of geomagnetic anomaly? Good grief, the kind of mega-gauss magnetic field necessary to selectively do that is, well, I've never heard of that, but I suppose it's possible, but very remote. I would think there would have been over all damage, and damage to the cars electronics if that happened.
-A weather event of some kind? A poster pointed out the window was not shattered or cracked, so I think that tends to discount that one.

What does that leave? Some kind of force that warps car panels and parts of the frame without damaging the paint, while the driver only felt a mild "lurching".

Could this be related to the bird deaths? There appear to be similar forces at work. I think this is a wait and see kind of thing.

What is your take on all this Simone_m? Any explanations?

As for me being informed, I try to keep up with things. Intelligent on the other hand, well my wife would laugh at that one, but I appreciate it.
There does seem to be a lot more going on and more tragedies being discussed. Here's why:

More than half the population has a recording device with them at ALL TIMES!!! Everything is being caught on tape, everyone is connected through social networking, and everyone is sharing what they see.
That's one of the reasons I don't believe in stuff like ghosts and alien abductions. There are no good images.
Here is something that is supposedly going on in Birchcreek Michigan. However, I have been fooled (and humiliated) before, recently, due to my ignorance of advancing technology. But ---IF--- this is real, It must have something to do with geological goings-on.

Uh??? so if there is heat coming out of the cracks then why is there snow filling them? So what is his contention? That there is about to be a volcano sprout in Michigan? Is it a USGS coverup? I don't get it.
ARE YOU NON AMERICANS aware how excessive, powerful and influential, ultra far right wing AMtalkradio is in this country?

Partially. AM radio in Canada is mostly dominated by classical, jazz and oldies music stations, so there's no real comparison.

I get a taste of it occaisionally though and in particular whenever I'm listening to the paracast these days (via download) and forget to skip the commercials. I hear all this shit about emergency food and investing in gold and proper firearms access etc etc and I keep wondering what in the hell they're talking about. Sounds to me like a lot of shifty, snake-oil salesmen are doing their best to profit off of some guillible, paranoid people. The irony of course being that these are the same people who refer to other folks as "sheeple" on a regular basis in spite of the ease with which they themselves are fleeced.
Thanks CapnG. This particular post, for the record, is a correction of myself, for the record, just for me. I was doing searches to try and find where Jared says he is an anarchist. Instead, I found this person's blog who presents what are supposedly Jared's statement that he is a "Nihilist". http://www.battleswarmblog.com/?tag=jared-laughner
I find Nihilism, Futurism, etc, ABISMAL! I was studying nihilism online and found that it was making me feel physically sick.
Early on during the breaking news, I heard some media outlet say J. was an anarchist.
But he is mostly mentaly ill. The unfettered American inflamatory broadcast rhetoric is NOT helping keep us safe from these incidents. I stand by that.