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Is the Moon Filled with Water?

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Many of our scientists are realizing that there are noticeable artificialities about the Moon. Not as an artificial body, but that it is a natural one converted artificially for particular, specific purposes that are yet unknown to the majority of us. The Moon is not there by nature, but by purpose, intended for the balancing of the Earth cycles.

There are electro-gravitic 'implants' deep within the structure of the Moon (mascons) very large concentrations 15- 25 miles below the surface. They are huge disc-like objects which perform something like a relocation of the gravitational matrix thereby moving the Moon, to its present location, and regulating its orbit.

As for water, there are no reports I know of any significant amount of water on the Moon but to the ET community, moon water is an unimportant detail.
My understanding is that the tiny glass beads collected by the Apollo astronauts were created by volcanic activity, and that as part of the cooling process water was trapped inside the beads. So during the volcanic activity material contains water was brought up to the surface where it cooled into beads with some amount of water trapped inside. Satellite imagery was then used to look for more of these bead sites, and it was discovered that they are pretty common on the surface. This points to wet material beneath the surface of the moon being pretty common. I don't think it means that the moon has subsurface oceans like Europa or anything really exotic like that. I do think the presence of water beneath surface paired with volcanic activity in the moons past does provide a couple important components in the formation of life, which is pretty cool.
There are electro-gravitic 'implants' deep within the structure of the Moon (mascons) very large concentrations 15- 25 miles below the surface. They are huge disc-like objects which perform something like a relocation of the gravitational matrix thereby moving the Moon, to its present location, and regulating its orbit.

This is why i have an issue.

Science tells us what caused the mascons.


We don't need to make stuff up to explain things, You may as well say that's the way god made the moon.

Its the same dynamic.

There is nothing wrong with the phrase
"I don't know", it's the very engine that's driven our scientific discovery and knowledge.

We don't have to make the answers up.
There is no difference between getting your "facts" from made up religious books and some attention seeking nutter who does his Mel Blanc impersonation and channels Marvin the martian.

"Where's the disclosure ?, there was supposed to be an earth shattering disclosure", "Oh i see the Illudium Q-36 Space Modulator, is missing and preventing us from vibrating at 4D frequency's"

Gene posts a valid scientific fact, an internet search of more water on moon, gives more links to same and we get "no significant water on moon, because ET contacts"

It stifles constructive debate, Why bother discussing anything, our self anointed holder of the "facts" knows all the answers.

For the record i have no problems with an artificial moon hypothesis. Don Wilson's books are a great read , but he uses real scientific evidence to make his hypothetical case. Not some clown pretending to be ET and spouting made up nonsense.
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Its a photograph of a real grey alien life-sized model that lives in my lounge.
It shares a space with a Doctor who mannequin a Judge Dredd costume and a full sized storm-trooper.


I'd ask what your point was, but you dont really have one do you. ?

Funny story, had a telecom linesman up a ladder. He looks through the second story window to see this looking back at him. Hilarious result. Think Frank Spencer hanging from the underside of a ladder screaming "Betty........"
Many of our scientists are realizing that there are noticeable artificialities about the Moon. Not as an artificial body, but that it is a natural one converted artificially for particular, specific purposes that are yet unknown to the majority of us. The Moon is not there by nature, but by purpose, intended for the balancing of the Earth cycles.

There are electro-gravitic 'implants' deep within the structure of the Moon (mascons) very large concentrations 15- 25 miles below the surface. They are huge disc-like objects which perform something like a relocation of the gravitational matrix thereby moving the Moon, to its present location, and regulating its orbit...
The above also partially accounts for the moon "ringing like a bell"...

Apollo 13 "Houston, we've got a problem." Page 15
Yes the moon does ring like a bell, That's an established fact.

Don Wilson Hypothesizes this is because the moon is artificial and hollow. But that's a hypothesis not an established fact.

NASA has a different hypothesis.

On Earth, vibrations from quakes usually die away in only half a minute. The reason has to do with chemical weathering, Neal explains: "Water weakens stone, expanding the structure of different minerals. When energy propagates across such a compressible structure, it acts like a foam sponge--it deadens the vibrations." Even the biggest earthquakes stop shaking in less than 2 minutes.
The moon, however, is dry, cool and mostly rigid, like a chunk of stone or iron. So moonquakes set it vibrating like a tuning fork. Even if a moonquake isn't intense, "it just keeps going and going," Neal says. And for a lunar habitat, that persistence could be more significant than a moonquake's magnitude.

NASA - Moonquakes

What is NOT an established fact is that the moon rings like a bell because ET says its hollow.

Why anyone would accept as fact anything these channelers say is illustrated by the Sydney nurse i linked to elsewhere who's charging 20 bucks a head for a QandA session with "ET".

Someone asked her about Pauline Hansen, Australia's far right politician, as contentious a person as Trump and for the exact same reasons.

"Not an Alien. She says with authority (she must know the Truth since ET is in her head giving the answers) Just a person with integrity and morals . ET then goes on to tell her "Muslims are going to take over for a while but we will beat them, If you don't have a gun already, you should think about getting one"

Video here

Is ET really telling people to get a gun ? or is she just channeling her own personal ideology and dressing it up as ET to give it legitimacy ?