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is there any REAL evidence for bigfoot?

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
Bigfoot sighting; HOAX
Bigfoot pic or vid;HOAX
Bigfoot body; HOAX
so with all the hoaxs are there ANY real evidence that Bigfoot is real? or we chasing unicorns here?
The people who seen it think it's real. The people who had rocks thrown at them think its real.
We have vast forest lands in North America that make pursuit of what could be an extremely shy animal difficult.

Some have come forward with "proof"
If you believe in hair strands or footprint casts. There was a leg found and the video is on the web. The leg seems to evade any description of what it could be other than something"different".

For me personally I still can't buy it. There are hunters who can track any animal who have all kinds of tracking technology and still nothing definitive.

Unless it has the power to totally disappear then I don't see how we could have missed it.

Sorry, that last post was done on my iPhone and I accidentally hit the post button.

Anyway, I happen to believe that Jeff Meldrum is not a kook but a real scientist that has very scientifically sound analysis of bipedal primate foot structures that he was able to construct via hundreds of plaster casts taken over several decades.

Personally, I have little problem accepting that it is possible that Bigfoot exists.
I know what you mean about postin with an iphone;)

I can't entirely discount what many people have seen but I think if it is an animal that someone would have had more than a plaster cast by now. They would breed and have little ones and older slower ones IF they are animals in the sense that we recognize animals. Why haven't we found the slower older sasquatches or seen at least a skeleton?There have been world renowned trackers who have spent weeks living in the densest forests and still nothing definitive. This is my unresolved question.

The swamp ape in Florida is probably either an ape someone let go into the marsh or maybe another division of ape related to the common apes from the videos I have seen.

No other animals in North america have evaded being detected and most of them thrive in dense regions of forest. If Sasquatch is an animal then it wouldn't be without potential predators, the Grizzly bear would be a prime contender(unless they hate squatch meat ;))

I think people have seen something that comes out at night and is huge. What it is IMO must be something that can practically disappear and what would that be?
I recall watching a program about Alaskan mysteries- An area known for bigfoot sightings...local native legend had these creatures marking their territory by ripping out a large tree and plunging it upside down into the ground. Investigators took a camera crew and found these upside down trees sticking out of the ground. They checked and found no evidence of machinery or tool markings on the ground around the trees- no markings on the trees themselves to indicate machine or tool placement.
These trees are much too big for humans to set up- I wonder.
I watched an interview of a science school teacher talk about his sighting, while walking with his young family in a remote area of Oregon. They smelled something while on a trail, and this guy had a feeling or sense of dread. While his kids played on some rocks, he walked up a hill slope to take a look down a path that overlooked the area his family played. He spotted a sasquatch in the distance, looking at his family below. He said it was at that moment that everything he thought he knew about science, the natural world, just crumbled. The guy actually started to choke up at the moment he started to describe watching the creature- watching his family. No doubt in my mind he believes what he saw- no doubt he is able to recognize a bear or any other known wild life.
I don't really think proof is important, but I can respond with the reason for my personal skepticism.

Bigfoot researchers don't seem to rely heavily on critical analysis when dealing with skeptical criticism. For example, I was watching the bigfoot program on H2, recently. It was a town hall meeting format. One of the researchers responded the the age old questions, "If these things are living out in the wilderness, why hasn't anyone ever stumbled across a corpse?" Her response was the age old answer, "Scavengers and predators tend to scatter remains of dead things. When was the last time you stumbled upon the corpse of any large mammal? In addition, it's believed that sasquatch quite possibly bury their dead, making the discovery of remains much more difficult (paraphrasing)." It was this type of response to critical skepticism that eventually dissolved my acceptance of the possibility for the existence of any paranormal phenomenon.

There are two big problems with that response.

One, in an earlier episode, that very researcher stumbled upon the complete skeleton of a deer in the middle of nowhere while conducting an investigation. This argument also assumes much of the personal experiences of not only the asker, but every person who has ever walked into a wooded area. In order for this argument to hold any water, the inquirer must have never stumbled upon the remains of a large animal while in the woods. Due to the fact that the argument requires this otherwise arbitrary stipulation to maintain any level of relevance, the response, in and of itself, becomes arbitrary -- it's a non-answer at best and a logical non sequitur at worst.

Two, the second half of the answer is based on nothing but word-of-mouth and phantom speculation. There is absolutely no reason to mention, let alone think possible, that a bigfoot would bury its dead. No physical evidence points to this hypothesis, and word-of-mouth evidence is essentially irrelevant. It's folklore presented as a logically possible conclusion.
I came to find this type of thinking to be very common amongst paranormal researchers, in general. Whenever existing "evidence" is criticized in a skeptical manner, a popular response of researches is to invent "possible" parameters to defend the evidence, rather than formulate supportive argument based on hard fact. These invented parameters are often unprovable, unfounded, and, for all intents and purposes, fictional (often knee-jerk speculation formulated by the original presenter to fill the holes left by any missing information they themselves have already perceived).

The explanation that makes the fewest assumptions about the subject matter at hand is the explanation the least vulnerable to critical analysis. By no coincidence, It is also the explanation that is most often proven correct. That being the case, there is no undisputed, or reputable, empirical evidence for the existence of bigfoot or any other cryptid.

That doesn't make the research or the folklore any less fun.

This is from todays (12/06/12) phantoms and monsters. Look for verne/mini me giving someone the finger. it's easier to read there as there are several people involved and you may lose the context of who said what as the article had people quoting people

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Activity, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Phenomena

Not Surprising...Dogmatic Science
Once Again Rejects Bigfoot

and this is mr. mulder speaking. I say right on lon, yes we can't accept out of hand every supposed sighting or claim but at the same time how much proof is required? Better yet if you can't get your "peers" to even look at it , why bother, I'me going out on a limb here but imho, there are more pressing issues to contend with for us non-bigfoots.

Here's my prediction : when and if bf ever gets captured, or even if one would get rescued from injury ( see Isn't this how smokey the bear got started ? | The Paracast Community Forums for a rather fanticifull (spl?) tale) which of course will NEVER happen cause bf DOESN'T exist, there will be a certain segment out there who will still refuse to accept the existence of said bf until the poor creature passes a polygraph test and "mans :) up" to it.

also.should we accept the existence of santa because NORAD and the worlds post offices do?