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Is this accurate regarding Ray Stanford?

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Paranormal Adept
Ive heard Ray a few times on the Paracast. While he does ramble on, I've quite enjoyed listening to him. Very interesting but I still am skeptical of his photos. But either way, I was shocked this morning when I stumbled on to this link. Are these points accurate or downright lies? Sounds as if someone was trying to smear Ray. If anyone has some insight regarding this, I'd appreciate it.

The Truth Uncensored: Ray Stanford Uncensored
Yup, that's the sole motive of the site, but it also contains in interesting link that presents some pretty critical discussion on his Pantry book. That certainly demonstrates that there has always been infighting in ufological circles and there seems to be some valid pokes there - who can say? Stanford has had a very colorful history to say the least, filled with the good, the bad and the ugly, not to mention the impressive. He's all over the map. It's hard to gauge where he's at now as he's simply not participating in the field in a public way, but in a very closed manner. Only the select few see his work and all we have is word of mouth. Time will tell, eventually, if there's anything really interesting there.
That's an accurate assessment Burnt. I've spoken to Ray over email after we had a little argument on this forum when he was pretending to be someone else, and he was quite nice in the email. That's all I can really say though. He is a little all over the place.
Chris seems genuinely interested in his work and even if I don't agree with everything Chris says, I'm pretty sure he isn't an idiot that would blindly support a kook.
I agree there with that too. Chris comes across as a pretty doubtful guy, but Stanford is claimed as a mentor. I am sure there is a history there that we all know nothing about. Who speaks ill of their mentor?
That is certainly quite the smear job. I don't know much about him, but I did recently listen to an episode of C2C with him (the other guest was Jacques Valée, worth listening to) where he described the circumstances behind the 'secret' insignia. I found his everything believable and compelling. He didn't seem to be mixing psychic with science, either.
Thanks for the insight guys. And that's what I kind of figured. It still baffles me though that he supposedly has the "end all" footage/pictures of real, structured craft but yet nobody is allowed to see it. It'd be like me saying I have multiple photos of a real Bigfoot. But nobody but myself and my best friends can see them.

That would be highly suspect and wouldn't fly.
I have to agree with you guys on Ray Stanford. You put up, or shut up. This teasing action of I got this amazing evidence is to the point of being pretentious and almost condescending to the ufo community. I've got this evidence! Nah nah nah poo poo!! Pfft...give me an effing break. Why bother mentioning it if you don't care to share? And please try revealing your evidence while you are still alive old timer.
If he doesn't want to share to public it either means he's hesitant of his findings, or has some doubt/anxiety of people ripping it apart proving him wrong.
It just reeks like a large smelly red flag in my book. Period.
Lots of folks unless by criticizing your mentor he automatically is no longer is a mentor. :confused:
Chris' loyalties are firm and they're his business. I don't see a reason for why those would shift, so I personally don't go looking for answers in that area. But then this is all old news, been down these roads so many times before. It would be an interesting moment for all if Ray's research were to finally go public, but I'm not holding my breath.