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It was a Plane Crash... No, a Missile.... No, it was Nothing

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Paranormal Adept
Do I need to mention this happened in the San Luis Valley? Christopher O'Brien, I read this and thought of you:

SAGUACHE COUNTY, Colo. — First it was a plane, then it was a missile. At one point, some even believed it to be a UFO.

Those were all among the rumors when a peculiar white, streaking sight was spotted in the dark, early morning sky in southwestern Colorado on Thursday.

Trooper Josh Lewis said the Colorado State Patrol received the first call on the matter at approximately 6:40 a.m., with the reporting party believing a plane crash had just occurred. As officers were en route, Lewis said the CSP received word from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico that the projectile was not a plane, but instead a failed test missile launch.

Officials with the U.S. Army told FOX31 that the White Sands facility had tested a missile at 6:30 a.m. Thursday, but that all of the debris from the test had been contained to the facility grounds. In contrast to the report from Lewis, Army officials insisted their test had gone as planned, and that they did not believe any of the debris would be visible to residents in Colorado.

Several viewers emailed FOX31 concerned and confused about what they had seen Thursday morning. One individual wrote, “I have no clue what is was, so I guess I’ll just call it a UFO.”

Speaking for the CSP, Lewis said he had no further information about the peculiar sighting. When attempting to investigate the incident further, he said authorities at the White Sands Missile Range informed his office to “stand down.”
Despite UFO reports, officials say no missile crashed in Colorado | KDVR.com | Denver Breaking News, Weather & Sports – FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

The authorities need to collaborate on their stories.

I'm wondering, could something have been shot down? Instead of a missile, could this have been a drone that malfunctioned or did something more mysterious occur?

For those of you who don't know the area, Saguache (pronounced sah-watch) County is in the northern-most part of the San Luis Valley and contains the village of Crestone as well as part of the Great Sand Dunes. It's also about a two-and-a-half hour drive from my house. These are among the reasons I'm paying more attention to this sighting, compared to other generic "strange lights in the sky" UFO sightings in the area.

I'm also going to throw this out there: My Quiet Podunk Mountain Town has been having more UFO sightings within the past year, as well as a whole string of recent Bigfoot sightings. It's become crazy enough that I read today how "Chasing Bigfoot" just filmed a segment here on the 8th. Respected people in the community are coming forward with sightings. There have also been reports of unusual animal behavior in the area and more Close Encounters of the Furry Kind regarding frequent encounters with wild animals. Besides my experience with the mountain lion this past Sunday morning, I can say that I've seen more bears and mountain lions in the neighborhood within the past year than I have in previous 12 years, combined. Some of this could be the odd weather - the aspens started turning at the elk started bugling more than a month ago - or it could be something screwier. Here in the community, things superficially seem fine but it's like there's an underlying tension absolutely everywhere. I remind myself that the economy is bad, politically there's a lot of polarization and there's a number of foreclosures in the area but I'm not sure if these are causing the problems. There have been other issues as well, which I'll go into at some other point.

I'm new to this whole topic so I don't know if these things are related or are just an example of randomness. I'm trying to play down any anxieties I might have, stand back and look objectively at what's happening around me. I still can't shake the feeling that something is off-kilter and I just can't figure out what.
I received an email from Robert Hastings who lives about 20 miles north of the alleged crash site.
He is going to look into it. I'm going to call the Saguache County Sheriff and find out what he knows, plus make a few other calls to folks in the area... sounds mighty interesting and more than a bit suspicious. White Sands said it was "an optical illusion." Uhh I don't think so...
There is another article HERE:
You know the government bullshits all the time anyway. It's automatic for the Gov to lie about anything anymore.

Good luck with investigating that Chris. I'm very curious as to what you find out.
"...Here in the community, things superficially seem fine but it's like there's an underlying tension absolutely everywhere.

I still can't shake the feeling that.something is off-kilter and I just can't figure out what..."

If you ever do come across the answer m'lady, I'd sure like to know what it is and if I figure it out I'll give you the same courtesy.

I've been feeling for some time now there's been an ongoing acceleration or increase of "global angst".

The observations you made...imho... are not limited to your area (at least as far as weird animal behavior and people with raging anxieties). That may sound like a generalized statement...when haven't people had their knickers tied up in knots? :confused:...but in my job I came across 100+ people a day...I'm seen as one of those sympathetic ears type, like a bartender...And I have noticed more so than ever that people, upon starting a conversation or simply giving acknowledgment tend to lead with tales of woe. More often than not, any good news, if it exists at all, tends to get buried. Yes, it did seem to start, I think, with the wall street manipulation and economic downturn. In my corner of the world even 9/11 didn't have such a long lasting impact. (once you got past the initial jolt) Money, employment, relationship, physical and yes even mental health, I hear it all. Even events that one would normally withhold because of embarassment or shame, such as questionable actions that were taken are mentioned.

Now, this is all part of the human condition true, but the instances I mention vary rarely include (in my observations) any kind of epiphany or unburdening instead it's like an acknowledgment that they have issues, it's almost as if the these people need to let others know how confused, conflicted, and troubled they are. They want to share their angst, or show their angst but not, apparently, in a therapeutic way.
I've been checking to see if there are any new updates on the sighting in Saguache. At this time, all of the stories are still appearing to be about 20-hours old. The 7 News story says that contrails from the missile were visible in many states due to atmospheric conditions and that the booster from the missile landed in Cibola National Forest. It's also repeating the line that this was all some optical illusion.

I know atmospheric conditions can sometimes make things seem much closer than they are. I seem to remember a case about a German u-boat captain seeing the New York skyline and thinking he was dramatically off course and in enemy waters when the reality was he was much further away, possibly by hundreds of miles. Fata Morgana (mirages) do occur and can distort things from many miles away, though the conditions were not right for this yesterday and I seriously doubt that kind of mirage could make something from hundreds of miles away appear so close. Fort Wingate, New Mexico, is about 230 straight miles from the Saguache area (measuring from the village of Saguache, in that county). The missile launch then went southeast by more than an additional 100 miles. Even with optimal atmospheric conditions, I have a hard time believing this is what the people in Saguache saw.

The 7 News story talks more of a test missile being launched and an interceptor missile striking that target. Could one of these missiles have gone severely off course and ended up in the SLV? Was another man-made object deliberately shot down or is this something else entirely? I hope someone in the area (maybe friends with Chris) is out investigating. I also wonder if anyone actually saw the thing hit the ground.
White Sands insists rare atmospheric conditions backlit a trio of Juno missiles fired from Ft Wingate, NM -- located near Gallup, NM that were headed to White Sands. But this explanation doesn't make sense. The SLV is north and slightly east of White Sands so how could the tests have been backlit by the sun at 6:30 AM? What's wrong w/ this picture?More as this develops...
Full report on MSNBC HERE:

People across the Southwest got an early-morning show in the sky Thursday, courtesy of a trio of unarmed missiles fired from New Mexico, one of which left a brilliant contrail that changed colors as it was illuminated by the rising sun.

The twisting cloudlike formation was visible in southern Colorado, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas just before sunrise, and led to hundreds of calls and emails to area TV stations.
Law enforcement agencies in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado received some reports of a crash, but those were quickly discounted. A sheriff's deputy in northern New Mexico who saw one of the missiles leaving behind a contrail as it lifted into the pre-dawn sky said he spotted what appeared to be an explosion and a part falling off the craft.

"When I saw it, it surprised the heck out of me, and I thought, 'Wow, that's not something you see every day,'" said San Juan County deputy J.J. Roberts. "So I pulled over, pulled out my iPhone and started taking some pictures and video."

The "explosion" was a normal separation of the first and second stages of the unarmed Juno ballistic missile that was fired at 6:30 a.m. MT from Fort Wingate near Gallup, N.M., said Drew Hamilton, a spokesman for the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range. The expended first stage landed in a designated area of U.S. Forest Service land.

The Juno missile was then targeted by advanced versions of the Patriot missile fired from White Sands, about 350 miles (560 kilometers) away, as part of a test. Two of the missiles were fired and hit the incoming Juno missile, said Dan O'Boyle, a spokesman for the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, which was in charge of the Patriots used in the test.

The Patriot missiles kill incoming targets by direct strike and don't explode.

The rising sun backlit the Juno missile's contrail and provided a spectacular morning sight for early risers across the region.

"It's one of those things it does not happen every time — the weather and light conditions have to be just right, and this was one of those times," Hamilton said. "We even had people calling from (Los Angeles) asking about it. They want to know about it. Apparently this thing really lit up the sky really well." Rest of article HERE:
First it was one missile, then it wasn't a missile, then it was two missiles and now it's three? Do they even know how many missiles they launched? They even initially admitted that they didn't see how people in Colorado could have seen the missile launch(es) in New Mexico.

It seems implausible.
First it was one missile, then it wasn't a missile, then it was two missiles and now it's three? Do they even know how many missiles they launched? They even initially admitted that they didn't see how people in Colorado could have seen the missile launch(es) in New Mexico. It seems implausible.
Seems to me like they are reaching for some sort of plausible deniability. This event reminds me of the NORAD event back on Jan 12, 1995 on the west side of the SLV. That was when NORAD called the Rio Grande County sheriff and told them to find the source of a "few acre-sized" heat bloom on Greenie Mtn. Then, as S&R personnel approached the supplied coordinates, they were changed by NORAD to an area 20 or so miles away. Later, rumors of some kind of crash and recovery operation surfaced when convoys of military trucks and troops were seen cordoning off the area where the original coordinates were located.

Of course there were quite a number of SLV UFO sightings in that 3 week period surrounding the event. I don't think this story is over and I'm still going to make some calls...
Do I need to mention this happened in the San Luis Valley? Christopher O'Brien, I read this and thought of you:

Despite UFO reports, officials say no missile crashed in Colorado | KDVR.com | Denver Breaking News, Weather & Sports – FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

The authorities need to collaborate on their stories.

I'm wondering, could something have been shot down? Instead of a missile, could this have been a drone that malfunctioned or did something more mysterious occur?

For those of you who don't know the area, Saguache (pronounced sah-watch) County is in the northern-most part of the San Luis Valley and contains the village of Crestone as well as part of the Great Sand Dunes. It's also about a two-and-a-half hour drive from my house. These are among the reasons I'm paying more attention to this sighting, compared to other generic "strange lights in the sky" UFO sightings in the area.

I'm also going to throw this out there: My Quiet Podunk Mountain Town has been having more UFO sightings within the past year, as well as a whole string of recent Bigfoot sightings. It's become crazy enough that I read today how "Chasing Bigfoot" just filmed a segment here on the 8th. Respected people in the community are coming forward with sightings. There have also been reports of unusual animal behavior in the area and more Close Encounters of the Furry Kind regarding frequent encounters with wild animals. Besides my experience with the mountain lion this past Sunday morning, I can say that I've seen more bears and mountain lions in the neighborhood within the past year than I have in previous 12 years, combined. Some of this could be the odd weather - the aspens started turning at the elk started bugling more than a month ago - or it could be something screwier. Here in the community, things superficially seem fine but it's like there's an underlying tension absolutely everywhere. I remind myself that the economy is bad, politically there's a lot of polarization and there's a number of foreclosures in the area but I'm not sure if these are causing the problems. There have been other issues as well, which I'll go into at some other point.

I'm new to this whole topic so I don't know if these things are related or are just an example of randomness. I'm trying to play down any anxieties I might have, stand back and look objectively at what's happening around me. I still can't shake the feeling that something is off-kilter and I just can't figure out what.
It could be the aluminum, barium and other chemicals used in the current geoengineering is affecting their brains. Here is a photo of what it has been like in the skies around my place. These eventually expand to fill the whole sky. Every once in awhile a jet will fly by with a normal contrail. The other day when i was without my camera it was like a checker board sky. They are NOT flying in normal flight paths.
It could be the aluminum, barium and other chemicals used in the current geoengineering is affecting their brains. Here is a photo of what it has been like in the skies around my place. These eventually expand to fill the whole sky. Every once in awhile a jet will fly by with a normal contrail. The other day when i was without my camera it was like a checker board sky. They are NOT flying in normal flight paths.

Pixel, what do you mean by "NOT normal flight paths"? Are you implying/saying you think there is something to chemtrails?
Pixel, what do you mean by "NOT normal flight paths"? Are you implying/saying you think there is something to chemtrails?
i am saying geoengineering is being implemented via aircraft, this is not a secret anymore. further discussion should probably be taken to another thread.
And this is how other sources are reporting on the story: AlienDigest.com is saying that a UFO was potentially shot down over Colorado and that this was followed by a cover-up:

The US government or a faction of it possibly shot down an unidentified flying object Thursday as cover stories are widespread in the news cycle.

Reports flooded in from citizens across the Southwestern US of a strange contrail formation visible from multiple states.

But there is only one problem, some sort of crash was reported in Colorado. It was reported by some as a plane or UFO crashing.

AboveTopSecret.com is also reporting on the different, evolving stories put out by the government regarding the crash:


According to this story, people believed they had seen everything from a plane crash to a UFO. White Sands offered up that they had launched a missile early this morning, but insisted no one in CO would be able to see it. When pushed for more info by CO State Police, White Sands told the CSP to "stand down" regarding info.

What makes this more intriguing, is that this "contrail" was spotted all over the west and southwest, according to FB comments on this article and this one, from MSNBC:

Breaking News & Top Stories - World News, US & Local | NBC News...

What is interesting about the second, above article is that, 7 hours after the first article was posted, more info was put into the article, discussing how it should obviously be seen all over the west, even though White Sands denied it should even be spotted over the border in CO, let alone Salt Lake or Phoenix. With White Sands calling for CSP to "stand down" on something obviously "normal", it raises my eyebrows.

Thought I would post this for general interest. I live in CO, between Denver and the Springs, but missed it.

For that matter, even the Malaysia Sun is reporting on it and linking to the MSNBC story. The Space.com article is sticking with the official story that conditions were perfect for (allegedly) seeing this contrail across the Southwest and as far away as Denver and Los Angeles.

OK, I'm in the mountains about an hour southwest of Denver and I didn't see it so I can't speak from first hand knowledge. I'm generally asleep at 6:30 in the morning and unless there's an alien riding Bigfoot across my deck, I'd rather stay that way that early in the morning. I am having a hard time believing that these contrails from a New Mexico missile launch would be seen in Los Angeles at 5:30am local time (about an hour before sunrise), or as Chris pointed out, that people hundreds of miles almost due north and slightly east of this would see it "back lit" from the early morning rising sun.

This story just keeps getting screwier and screwier. I imagine we haven't heard the last of this.