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I've gotta say it

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Paranormal Novice
I've just come back to all of this after a break from the internet, so please excuse the late comment on the change of format. This is kind of a shock for me, and kind of not. Trust me when I say I'm not trying to stir up any drama or cause a shitstorm by bringing up David, I have no idea why he left and am not aware of whatever speculation has been going on. I don't care why he left the show and it's really none of my business. I've been a huge fan and supporter of the Paracast from its inception, so even if the topic is taboo or whatever, I just wanted to say THANKS to David for his contributions to the 'paranormal field', he will be VERY much missed by me and if he ever decides he wants to go back to podcasting on this topic, you can bet your ass I'll be listening. I just wanted to wish him all the best with whatever he chooses to do, even though I'm late in the game. I loved David on the show. His no bullshit attitude and readiness to call people out on their idiocy was the BEST. He's a man of high intellect and quick wit and he definitely has my respect.

Also I'd like to give Gene kudos for all of his hard work and for continuing the show. I will go on supporting the Paracast despite the significant changes, and thanks again to Gene and David for the best show on the subject out there - period.
Thanks. Glad you liked the old show... and the new.

And as this has been discussed elsewhere, the thread is now locked.
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