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Maybe I should run them by you one at a time just to be on the safe side :D :

Let's have a look at this one that touches on the famous Kenneth Arnold Sighting: 

01:50:10 | Carrion: "To me it's just too convenient that we have ah, you know Stalin super interested in this new futuristic weapon that skipped across the atmosphere like a stone skips across water and all of a sudden we have stories of, of a flying saucer that exhibits similar behavior. So I think there's the tie-in to the deception."

If we back the show up a little bit, the new "futuristic weapon" Carrion refers to that ties UFOs into his deception theory is the Amerika Bomber:

01:48: | Carrion: "If you read my book you'll find a very interesting story about an Austrian Scientist by the name of Eugene Sanger, and what this gentleman did is, he was working on behalf of the Germans during the war. He had developed this concept for what he called the America Bomber, and what this craft was supposed to do was to launch off a sled track that was a couple miles in length. It would basically zoom into the atmosphere and then when it came down, back down on a ballistic re-entry, it would bounce off the atmosphere again and have a further a forward a motion and it it would keep having this bounce effect until it reached its destination which he envisioned was going to be the United States where he was going to drop a a a basically was a dirty bomb.

So now, let's do as Carrion suggests that we ufologists should do more of, and do a little fact checking: 

The Wikipedia article on the America Bomber describes it as a program with several competing designs and: "The most promising proposals were based on conventional principles of aircraft design, and would have yielded aircraft very similar in configuration and capability to the Allied heavy bombers of the day. Many of the developed designs, themselves first submitted during 1943 suggested tricycle landing gear for their undercarriage, a relatively new feature for large German military aircraft designs of that era."

What Carrion seems to be talking about is Eugen Sänger's proposal for the Amerika Bomber project called the Silverbird ( Silbervogel ). According to the article on Sänger , "Sänger agreed to lead a rocket development team in the Lüneburger Heide region in 1936. He gradually conceived a rocket-powered sled that would launch a bomber with its own rocket engines that would climb to the fringe of space and then skip along the upper atmosphere – not actually entering orbit, but able to cover vast distances in a series of sub-orbital hops."

This is quite fascinating, but according to the article: "By 1942, the Reich Air Ministry canceled this project along with other more ambitious and theoretical designs in favour of concentrating on proven technologies." So the craft never made it off the drawing board. Of equal importance is the fact that sub-orbital skips off the upper atmosphere would take place at much higher altitudes than the objects Arnold reported. Additionally according to the article on the Silbervogel, "Postwar analysis of the Silbervogel design involving a mathematical control analysis unearthed a computational error and it turned out that the heat flow during the initial re-entry would have been far higher than originally calculated by Sänger and Bredt; if the Silbervogel had been constructed according to their flawed calculations the craft would have been destroyed during re-entry."

So what Carrion has done is take an obscure historical reference to a flawed aircraft design that was never produced and used it as the lynch-pin for his deception theory by making a huge scientifically flawed connection between a non-existent space plane and the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Shall I continue?
