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James Fox Offering $100k Reward for UFO Information

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Paranormal Adept
Seems like James Fox is at it again, he's apparently making a new documentary called "701: The Number the Government Does Not Want You To Know" He's apparently offering $100,000 dollars for proof that UFO's are real and interplanetary, provided that the evidence can stand up to scientific scrutiny from a panel of experts that haven't been named as far as I know. Check out the article below and let's all be thankful that this isn't Season 2 of Chasing UFO's:p Anyone know what this whole 701 thing is about?


How to Apply for $100k UFO Reward

06 Mar, 2013
Among other announcements, UFO documentary filmmaker James Fox also announced at the 2013 UFO Congress the launch of a $100,000 reward for proof that UFOs are real. The reward is an effort to bring to light never before seen evidence for a documentary in the making titled, 701: The Number the Government Does Not Want You to Know.
The criteria for the reward are listed on the movie’s website:
One aspect that sets our film apart is the Producer’s commitment to bringing forth never before seen evidence. As part of this effort, we are offering a $100,000 REWARD for the best proof that UFOs are real (implying structured craft not manufactured from any known agency on earth).
This material can be in the form of a photograph, video footage, film footage or debris from an alleged crash site but it must be able to withstand scientific scrutiny by our chosen panel.
The person in possession of said evidence can remain anonymous or appear in our feature film. If you, or someone you know has evidence you feel we should examine, please CONTACT us immediately.
They would like those who believe they have material that meets their requirements to contact them via the website’s contact page.
Fox says this UFO documentary is going to be unlike any other, and they intend for it to make it to the big screen, and be rolled out in theaters throughout the country, rather than just television or DVDs like Fox’s other popular UFO documentary, I Know What I Saw.

Tracy Torme
Among several Hollywood producers involved with the project is Tracy Tormé. Tormé is the son of famous singer Mel Tormé, and has made a name for himself in Hollywood. He has worked on many hit TV series and movies, including Star Trek: The Next Generation and the movie Contact, based on the book by Carl Segan. His most famous UFO project may be the movie Fire in the Sky, which chronicles the incredible story of Travis Walton, who after witnessing a UFO up close with several co-workers, approached the object and was then apparently whisked away, not to be seen for several days.
Fox read a statement prepared by Tormé to the crowd at the IUFOC. In the statement Tormé explained how he had the “good fortune” to work on 6 UFO projects in the past and felt that those projects encompassed all that he had to say on the topic. Since then he has been approached by hundreds of UFO researchers wanting to work with him, but he has always turned them down. He changed his mind after reading a book on physicist James McDonald’s struggle to investigate UFOs written by Ann Druffel. His interest was then further encouraged when he saw Fox’s documentary, I Know What I Saw. Tormé contacted Fox, and they agreed that it was time to work together on a new UFO documentary, unlike any that has come before it.

James Fox at the IUFOC 2013 (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Fox says this project is his “dream project” and it is what he feels he tried to do with I Know What I Saw, and failed. Fox says for him it comes down to one question, “If earth was being visited, would you want to know?”
The website does include some intriguing clues as to the focus of the film. Including alluding to proposing a new hypothesis as to the origins of the UFO phenomena:
The X-files told millions that the truth was out there but what is the truth about UFO’s? As the forties turned into the fifties, many believed they were simply a space aged myth, just errant balloons and the planet Venus. Others were equally convinced that the government knew we were being monitored or invaded and the Pentagon was hiding the great secret from the public. What if BOTH sides were wrong? What if the truth was something else – something equally unexpected? 701.
This list claims 701 UFO reports which represent all of the "unexplained" sightings recorded by the Air Force's Project Blue Book

Complete List of Project Blue Book's Unsolved Cases

Just a guess...................

Thanks, so we have a match for the number, however, him claiming that the government doesn't want us to know that Blue Book's unsolved cases totaled 701 doesn't ring true, since it was on all the official Air Force fact sheets and press releases about the project according to this link, which I got from your link. I guess it makes for a more dramatic title, even though it's BS, assuming that is what 701 actually refers to.

I propose he change his title to: "701: The Number the Government DOES Want You To Know." Doesn't quite have the same effect, though. Still, it seems kind of silly to me to make a documentary claiming to bring the truth about UFO's that starts out with a bold faced lie. Maybe James would do better if he stuck to the facts? Nahhhhh.... If he has Phillip Corso, the Phoenix Lights or the damn White Sands missile footage in this one again, I'm walking out.

Comprehensive Catalog of 1,600 Project BLUE BOOK UFO Unknowns
Work in Progress (Version 1.16, Oct. 2, 2009) Compiled by Brad Sparks, © 2001-2009
The main purpose of this catalog at present is to help identify and fill in where possible missing or difficult-to-obtain U.S. Air Force documentation on better quality Unexplained UFO cases, not to present here the "proof" of UFO reality nor to discuss possible IFO identifications, subjects reserved for later analysis once full files can be examined. Here the goal is preliminary and to compile more complete documentation, not the perfection of the analysis or categorizations. This catalog will be used eventually to produce another catalog of UFO Best Evidence after a screening process based on Hynek's and other criteria and for that reason columns for data on Duration, No. of Witnesses, Angular Size and "Instrumentation/Scientists etc." have been separately presented from the available case data and/or calculated where possible.
When Project Blue Book (BB) closed down on Jan. 30, 1970 (it was not on Dec. 17, 1969, which was merely the announcement date by the Secretary of the Air Force) the total number of Unidentified sightings was thought to be 701 and this is the number given on all subsequent press releases and so-called "fact sheets." However, based on the review by Hynek and the CUFOS staff of the released sanitized BB microfilm and Hynek's personal records which included many missing (and unsanitized) BB documents, the final number was determined to have been approximately 587, apparently reflecting an IFO elimination process carried out on old historical cases by the next-to- last BB Chief, Major Hector Quintanilla in the 60's (and of dubious scientific validity based on examples McDonald studied), which must have reduced the number of Unexplained cases by 114. Evidently the AF did not update its annual historical UFO statistics to reflect this gradual winnowing process, not realizing it could improve upon its anti-UFO PR position by reducing the perennially embarrassing number of Unidentifieds.
However, in reverse, Hynek re-evaluated 53 Blue Book IFO cases as Unexplained UFO cases, bringing the total partially back, up to 640, unfortunately a complete list identifying these is not available, though some of the worksheets have been copied by Jan Aldrich from CUFOS-Hynek files. A number of the re-evaluated cases have been included in The Hynek UFO Report book published in 1977.
Much more disturbing are the indications from my limited review of BB cases that there may be as many as possibly 4,000 Unexplained UFO cases miscategorized as IFO's in the BB files. McDonald similarly stated in 1968 at his CASI lecture that from his review of BB cases he estimated that 30-40% of 12,000 cases were Unexplained, or about 3,600 to 4,800. These are mostly military cases and many involve radar. McDonald argued with Hynek on a number of occasions from 1966 onward that the number of Unknowns in the BB files was in reality “about an order of magnitude” greater than what the AF claimed (so instead of 500-600 Unidentifieds possibly as many as 5,000-6,000).
The BB files total some 13,134 cases altogether, UFO and IFO, according to the Hynek-CUFOS revised statistics, or about 14,613 when 1,558 "info only" cases are included, per the FUFOR Index. Many cases are actually multiple incidents filed under one date/location. For simplicity I am therefore rounding up to 15,000 as the approximate total number of UFO incidents in the BB files.
This catalog is based primarily on the outstanding catalog prepared by Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) from his exhaustive review of the then unreleased Project Blue Book (BB) files at Maxwell AFB (Air Force Base), Alabama, in Jan. 1974, which included many witness names that were later sanitized out ("blacked out") of the public release of the BB files by the Air Force in 1974-5. Berliner's effort ought to be supplemented with the tremendous intelligence coup by William Weitzel and FUFOR in early March 1998 in discovering and later securing copies of the unsanitized pre-redaction record copy 16 mm Maxwell AFB microfilm of the BB files that the National Archives inadvertently made available (at the College Park, Maryland, NARA II facility in Record Group 341 / 190 / 68 / 08 / 03, boxes 1-6, 70 films numbered 30,362 through 30,431), but no resources are available for such a large-scale research project. All of UFOlogy owes an enormous debt of gratitude to FUFOR for this lasting contribution to the preservation and disclosure of this vast treasure of priceless military UFO records.
No amount of physical evidence is going to convince the scientific skeptics short of an in-person mother-ship cruise. There is no other way to "scientifically prove" it's actually associated with an intelligent alien ET. The only other type of evidence that would be convincing, and coincidentally probably also the most likely to succeed, would be a direct communications transmission that is picked up by the SETI dishes. Interesting how that isn't on the list of allowed evidence.
No amount of physical evidence is going to convince the scientific skeptics short of an in-person mother-ship cruise. There is no other way to "scientifically prove" it's actually associated with an intelligent alien ET. The only other type of evidence that would be convincing, and coincidentally probably also the most likely to succeed, would be a direct communications transmission that is picked up by the SETI dishes. Interesting how that isn't on the list of allowed evidence.

Hmmm, I don't know if I would agree with that, something that can be conclusively proven to have not originated on Earth or a device or piece of engineering (metal or some sort of super strong material that doesn't occur naturally that we can't duplicate) that is light years beyond our current technology might be sufficient to convince some of the more open minded skeptics of advanced ET visitation. Why do you find it interesting that SETI communications aren't on the list of allowed evidence? Why would SETI, if they had something like that, come to James Fox? Why wouldn't they publicize it themselves?
Hmmm, I don't know if I would agree with that, something that can be conclusively proven to have not originated on Earth or a device or piece of engineering (metal or some sort of super strong material that doesn't occur naturally that we can't duplicate) that is light years beyond our current technology might be sufficient to convince some of the more open minded skeptics of advanced ET visitation. Why do you find it interesting that SETI communications aren't on the list of allowed evidence? Why would SETI, if they had something like that, come to James Fox? Why wouldn't they publicize it themselves?

I was only thinking hypothetically in a sort of "Contact" ( the movie ) type scenario, where perhaps some independent SETI project should discover a signal and bring it forth to be examined in real time for the purpose of claiming the prize.
I was only thinking hypothetically in a sort of "Contact" ( the movie ) type scenario, where perhaps some independent SETI project should discover a signal and bring it forth to be examined in real time for the purpose of claiming the prize.

Gotcha, I get where you're coming from, though I'd point out that $100k to a program like SETI would just be a drop in the bucket, I think this is geared more towards individuals who may or may not have evidence secreted away for whatever reason.
It's actually pretty smart thinking by Fox. IF someone actually gets a hold of something objective, it would be worth millions if you had the savvy to use it for press rights, screen rights etc. And you'd be part of making history.
One aspect that sets our film apart is the Producer’s commitment to bringing forth never before seen evidence. As part of this effort, we are offering a $100,000 REWARD for the best proof that UFOs are real (implying structured craft not manufactured from any known agency on earth).
This material can be in the form of a photograph, video footage, film footage or debris from an alleged crash site but it must be able to withstand scientific scrutiny by our chosen panel.
The person in possession of said evidence can remain anonymous or appear in our feature film. If you, or someone you know has evidence you feel we should examine, please CONTACT us immediately.
They would like those who believe they have material that meets their requirements to contact them via the website’s contact page.

Can someone please call Ray Stanford and leave him a message to let him know that his undeniable proof now has a $100,000 stage to strut upon. I mean he has a PowerPoint and everything ready to go.
One danger with rewards like this. You might end up creating groups who think its easy to infiltrate places like Edwards AFB or other high value top secret storage areas.

A billionaire could finance a well paid infiltration team, and maybe get a hint of where the good stuff is. 10 or 20 years later ?
This is much like James Randi's offer of $1 million dollars for paranormal proof. Randi still has his money and I am sure James Fox knows he will never pay out one cent to anyone. This is nothing but a publicity stunt. My estimation of Mr. Fox has gone way down since he appeared on the Bigfoot program. This little ploy doesn't add any respect to his resume.
Hell, I'll offer 5 million to anyone that brings me a piece of crash debris from Roswell. It has to have the same reported physical attributes as described by the witnesses and stand up to lab analysis as such. Unfortunately, I too will never pay out a dime.
With ongoing research into nanotechnologies, I've always wondered if all the components of a functional ship could be built from nanotech materials.

Should the craft have a massive failure it would dissolve and disperse (or maybe even transform itself) in a timely fashion and thus prevent a transfer of technologies.... brilliant !

If I was sending a craft into an area where I suspected or knew that a technologically savvy specie lived, this would be my primary concern.

Nuts and bolts are really nano-part fusions and component activations until the entire structure is assembled... so the whole ship is almost self-aware down to the molecular level ;)

Something that the US will eventually do to prevent.... this ?
Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer - Yahoo! News
With ongoing research into nanotechnologies, I've always wondered if all the components of a functional ship could be built from nanotech materials.

Should the craft have a massive failure it would dissolve and disperse (or maybe even transform itself) in a timely fashion and thus prevent a transfer of technologies.... brilliant !

If I was sending a craft into an area where I suspected or knew that a technologically savvy species lived, this would be my primary concern.

Nuts and bolts are really nano-part fusions and component activations until the entire structure is assembled... so the whole ship is almost self-aware down to the molecular level ;)
Yes, i like that idea a lot - a conscious molecular ship, shape shifting, bending light, moving apart into pieces and resassembling again - that's exactly how a space ship should act, not drifting across a city the size of a football field, with no flashing lights or cool bumbper stickers, like a big kite that is remote controlled. UFO's should be a lot more jazzy than that!
Seems like James Fox is at it again ... He's apparently offering $100,000 dollars for proof that UFO's are real and interplanetary ...

Assuming I were ever to get such proof, and the aliens asked me what I was going to do with the reward, I'd probably be saying something like, "Unless I can spend it on planet Xenu, forget the reward. I'm coming with you!"
With ongoing research into nanotechnologies, I've always wondered if all the components of a functional ship could be built from nanotech materials.

Should the craft have a massive failure it would dissolve and disperse (or maybe even transform itself) in a timely fashion and thus prevent a transfer of technologies.... brilliant !

If I was sending a craft into an area where I suspected or knew that a technologically savvy specie lived, this would be my primary concern.

Nuts and bolts are really nano-part fusions and component activations until the entire structure is assembled... so the whole ship is almost self-aware down to the molecular level ;)

Something that the US will eventually do to prevent.... this ?
Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer - Yahoo! News

I've often wondered about this myself, it would go a long way toward explaining constant UFO crashes, maybe whoever they are, they just don't care about wrecking their ships because no usable tech would be salvageable. I've often wondered the same thing about the occupants, kind of along the lines of the post biological hypothesis that Mike talks about so often. What if the creatures themselves are nothing more than technological platforms designed to carry out specific tasks or maybe even harbor the consciousness of those that deployed them? Taking it a bit further, what if these creatures and their technology are from a separate universe, one with different laws of physics, and the technology that makes it possible for them to get from there to here only works on that side of the fence, so to speak. Once they get here, they can move around freely and effectively, but they can't go home because they are subject to the prevailing laws of physics in this universe, which makes the tech that got them from there to here inoperable. It would make sense that they would simply crash their vehicles once they're finished doing whatever they came to do, since no life would be lost and any tech that we might find would be useless to us. Of course, this is all speculation with nothing to back it up, other than different theories of physics which have no experimental verification, but I find the concept interesting and some of this would go a long way towards explaining some of the phenomena observed in connection with both UFO's and their occupants.