I have mixed feelings about Gilliland. On one hand he is trying to inform and share information about the higher consciousness beings, talking about their technology, their spiritualism, and about how our energies connect (or don't) with them, Etc, etc. All stuff we have heard for decades stemming from the contactee movements. Not a bad message I suppose, but a little (well, a lot) woo-woo.He definitely has his slant on what may or may not be happening on his ranch.
He also talks about how we can "call them" and have them appear before us. Now this I do have problems with, but I have heard several times from supposedly credible people who have had strange contacts that sometimes you can actually do just this. I remember Ritzmann talking about how things would appear when his mind was in a particular state. He is just one example of this if we look to him for any reliable honest opinions. I have heard this theme of "calling them" through several related stories. Does this really happen?? I have no idea, but it seems to me that perhaps there is a connection between state of mind and the appearance of such anomalies. So, as woo-woo as it is, perhaps there is something of value. And perhaps there is not. I'm not taking any position, just positing this idea.
Now, so far gilliland seems too woo-woo fairy-tale-ish to be of any genuine concern to anyone regarding the seriousness of real ufo's. But a few things that may be of value. One is that he openly invites you, or anyone else, to his ranch to discover what ever it is you discover. I have no doubt that many different types of people have visited his ranch. He doesn't have anything to hide as far as I can tell. So if you are interested at all, then go visit. This isn't like the unable to locate Skinwalker ranch or the unnattainable off limits Izzat. He lives there and you can go and camp out on his land.
Another interesting note is that the Mt Adams area has a long history of strange phenomena. On the opposite side of the mountain from Gilliland is an Indian reservation with many historic accounts of such phenomena. Hynek investigated this area. To me, it does seem to be similar to areas such as Marley woods, Hessdalen, and perhaps Skinwalker. Perhaps Ted Phillips would be able to offer some additional info on the area.
The last reason to consider Glilliland is that many people walk away not completely knowing what they saw. As somebody earlier noted that Dave from Darkenss Radio had a very unusual and strange encounter during his visit. He seems to have no reason to lie about such an event and he did seem confounded by his experience which he related in a show some time ago. Many others have experienced similar events. So is Gilliland hoaxing them all?? I suppose it's possible, but I don't know what kind of motivation he might have for such a thing. He's not making money off this as far as I can tell.
Some of the sightings are undoubtedly iridium flares or other mundane stuff. But some of it is a bit more complex and puzzling. I don' t think he would be a good guest though because I think he would get ripped on the show for numerous reasons. But a visit to the ranch might prove interesting. Like I said, I have mixed feelings about him and the ranch right now. Maybe I'll just have to go and see for myself.