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James McGahey

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So many skeptics (and some UFO proponents) take a condescending, combative attitude, often coming off as superior and negative. This method just alienates the devoted and repels the undecided.
Here's a video on skeptic Phil Plait advocating a kinder, gentler approach:​
At 10:48 of this clip you can find Robert Jacobs being a total dick to Bill Nye, just because Bill is trying to say that saying that a UFO must be aliens is quite a leap to take.

At 10:48 of this clip you can find Robert Jacobs being a total dick to Bill Nye, just because Bill is trying to say that saying that a UFO must be aliens is quite a leap to take.

Ah Angelo, I just posted about this kinda thing elsewhere. I think that Jacobs is being that way because it was Bill Nye who brought up the subject of Aliens first in that Larry King. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was Nye. No-one else was saying anything other than 'strange object' or 'unidentified etc' and none of them were jumping to aliens. It's a debunker tactic - to bring in aliens when no-one else has.

So basically, If Nye was first with 'aliens' then he deserves everything. If I'm wrong and he wasn't first, then Jacobs was out of line.
Still, I would hope that Jacobs had given a more measured response. Even though Nye may have put words in Jacobs mouth, for Jacobs to get all defensive about it does not make for an ideal witness. if you have certain convictions stand up for them. To get upset by implying you thought aliens were responsible and arguing vehemently "I didn't say that aliens were involved ' then pointing out that , given the era that neither the americans nor the Soviets had the technology to do what the craft did is the argument of a man who wants it both ways. besides wasn't aliens already on the table from the previous participants ?..I didn't watch the previous parts... I think Jacobs was doing some dancing here and, as most people here know, I'm all too willing to consider other intelligences at work here, unlike Nye.

As much as it pains me to admit it, I have to admire Nye for stepping into the lions den and keeping his composure when he had four hostile opponents to deal with.Look at Nye's face when Jacobs got hot it wasn't the smirk of a guy being a jerk or baiting a guy, it's the look of a man who was unprepared for the response he got.
Bill Nye did not bring up aliens. He was only going with what Jacobs was implying, saying that no one on Earth had that sort of technology. I've watched that clip many times, and the way Bill Nye was treated just because he thinks we should look for a more prosaic explanation than aliens was pretty shitty.