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Jerome Clark, more slippery than soap in Steven Greer's bathtub

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Jerome was one of the first recommendations I made here. Glad he was finally on.

I didn't disagree with anything he said that I can recall. Which is very rare I hear someone speak for more than 5 minutes and that occurs. I know many here take issue with some of what he said, and more of a reason I was thrilled he said what he did. I get tired of the preach to the chrior handshake shit.

If anyone is sitting on this crypto-terrestrial evidence, please post it. Jerome might change his mind if and when there is an actual reason to.... Same with myself.

Jerome has worked with Loren Coleman for years and is open to undiscovered species on Earth btw. He isn't closed minded. Anyone that needs him to be open to everything they are open to, without evidence is being closed minded among other things. There's a difference between being dogmatic and not convinced.
is that Loren L Coleman ? or are there two writers by that name ?

Well, it's Jerome's name in question not Loren's. In my case at least. Yes, it is possible that there is a Jerome Clark that has worked with Loren who is different. I'll ask about it and make sure.