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Jim Marrs finally !

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Paranormal Maven
Just wanted to say thanks for finally snagging Jim Marrs. Although he is a frequent guest on 'Toast to Toast' ( we won't hold that against him ) he's usually a riveting listen, and a great speaker.
I look forward to the upcoming show :-)

Cheers !
Just wanted to say thanks for finally snagging Jim Marrs. Although he is a frequent guest on 'Toast to Toast' ( we won't hold that against him ) he's usually a riveting listen, and a great speaker.
I look forward to the upcoming show :-)

Cheers !

It's going to be a wild ride, to be sure.
Marrs is sort of in my gray basket.

He has done some absolutely outstanding work on the JFK assassination, and the movie was based on his book. A lot of his work has been corroborated by many others, which is why it seems to be pretty solid.

On other subjects though I've heard him say some things that really strain credulity or that even elicit a bit of a "WTF?"

But I give him a bit of a pass for this reason:

Once you figure out that a lot of or history is lies and that the government and other trusted institutions routinely lie, it's not hard to just go wild with that and start doubting everything official and maybe believing a bit too much that's not.

In other words: once you get off the reservation and away from the sheep, you're sort of on your own.
Marrs is sort of in my gray basket.

He has done some absolutely outstanding work on the JFK assassination, and the movie was based on his book. A lot of his work has been corroborated by many others, which is why it seems to be pretty solid.

On other subjects though I've heard him say some things that really strain credulity or that even elicit a bit of a "WTF?"

But I give him a bit of a pass for this reason:

Once you figure out that a lot of or history is lies and that the government and other trusted institutions routinely lie, it's not hard to just go wild with that and start doubting everything official and maybe believing a bit too much that's not.

In other words: once you get off the reservation and away from the sheep, you're sort of on your own.

Jim Marrs is in my gray/grey basket simply because of his work on the JFK assassination.

His book was used for the film by Oliver Stone, and the film was financed by THE major Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan ... so ... I tend to go with Michael Collins Pipers view of the incident ie JFK was killed by the CIA and Mossad partly because he was trying to shut down the nascent Israeli atomic bomb programme (the "powers that be" tend to do big things like this for more than one reason ... but this was I think a major reason which is never touched on by people like Jim Marrs unfortunately).

So thats one reason why I try to ignore him. He's also said the odd thing over the years that has given me pause to think ... of course I can't think of a single example at the moment ... typical really.

Oh yeah ... and ... he's also got an enormous beard and I keep getting mixed up between him and James Randi ... so he's evil ... or something :eek::D and stuff ... so I'm afraid its the grey basket for Mr Marrs my friends ...
I marginally enjoy Marrs when he is NOT discussing the JFK assassination. Good grief! This was so long ago, and some people are still obsessed with conspiracy theories? Anyone involved must be very elderly or dead by now. I am just not interested in this topic.

I also must admit I have a problem with his Texas accent also. OK, OK, I Know that it not fair, but I am just being honest. Some "Southern" accents just drive me up the wall. The accent is so nice and "good old boy" friendly, but if you are gay they are ready to string you up from the nearest tree! (just a stereotype, I Know).

Anyway, Jim gets tons of exposure on the Tim Binnell show. Jim is also a regular guest-host on DREAMLAND, and appears on Coast to Coast and numerous paranormal-right wing religious shows like THE EDGE. Not sure the Paracast needs to have Jim repeat the same speech he gives on all the shows (which is Stanton Friedman's strategy too....repeat the same old lines about "noisy negativists", blah, blah, blah). Sometimes it is fun to hear something NEW!

But not every guest can please everyone. That's life. I'll probably skip this episode with the good old boy from Texas, where only 41% of the people realize that humans and dinosaurs did not co-habitat the earth at the same time.
Jim Marrs is in my gray/grey basket simply because of his work on the JFK assassination.

His book was used for the film by Oliver Stone, and the film was financed by THE major Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan ... so ... I tend to go with Michael Collins Pipers view of the incident ie JFK was killed by the CIA and Mossad partly because he was trying to shut down the nascent Israeli atomic bomb programme (the "powers that be" tend to do big things like this for more than one reason ... but this was I think a major reason which is never touched on by people like Jim Marrs unfortunately).

So thats one reason why I try to ignore him. He's also said the odd thing over the years that has given me pause to think ... of course I can't think of a single example at the moment ... typical really.

Oh yeah ... and ... he's also got an enormous beard and I keep getting mixed up between him and James Randi ... so he's evil ... or something :eek::D and stuff ... so I'm afraid its the grey basket for Mr Marrs my friends ...

Hey, the Exopolitics gang has solved the Kennedy assassination. They claim he was killed because he was about to reveal the alien presence to the world! It's really amusing. If you are a pig, I suppose the entire world is about pigs. If you are obsessed with aliens and feel that they won't come down and give us free energy until everyone on earth raises their consciousness and invites them, then everything that happens is connected with aliens!
Hey, the Exopolitics gang has solved the Kennedy assassination. They claim he was killed because he was about to reveal the alien presence to the world! It's really amusing. If you are a pig, I suppose the entire world is about pigs. If you are obsessed with aliens and feel that they won't come down and give us free energy until everyone on earth raises their consciousness and invites them, then everything that happens is connected with aliens!

Mad as hatters and then some :D. Wasn't Marilyn Monroe "killed" because JFK told her about UFOs/aliens whatever as well?? Yeasss. I subscribe to the fact that JFK was done in for a number of reasons ... he was stepping on far too many toes to remain alive and so was done in by a group including the CIA and Mossad. Similarly 9/11 ... although the Towers weren't obviously stepping on peoples toes that much ... :p

Annyway I saw recently a blog post which purported to show that none other than Jacquie Kennedy had killed JFK :eek: ... figure that one out if you can. Although ... don't think of it for too long lest you start thinking "well it would be a really obvious place to put the real killer. In plain sight and all that. Nahhh ... they couldn't ... nahhh they couldn't ... nahhh they wouldn't ... would they???" :D
I also must admit I have a problem with his Texas accent also. OK, OK, I Know that it not fair, but I am just being honest. Some "Southern" accents just drive me up the wall. The accent is so nice and "good old boy" friendly, but if you are gay they are ready to string you up from the nearest tree! (just a stereotype, I Know).

Geezus! Really?
Mad as hatters and then some :D. Wasn't Marilyn Monroe "killed" because JFK told her about UFOs/aliens whatever as well?? Yeasss. I subscribe to the fact that JFK was done in for a number of reasons ... he was stepping on far too many toes to remain alive and so was done in by a group including the CIA and Mossad. Similarly 9/11 ... although the Towers weren't obviously stepping on peoples toes that much ... :p

Annyway I saw recently a blog post which purported to show that none other than Jacquie Kennedy had killed JFK :eek: ... figure that one out if you can. Although ... don't think of it for too long lest you start thinking "well it would be a really obvious place to put the real killer. In plain sight and all that. Nahhh ... they couldn't ... nahhh they couldn't ... nahhh they wouldn't ... would they???" :D

I think the crucial proof about whether Jackie did-the-deed on JFK is whether she was wearing an old dress on that day in Dallas. I cannot conceive of Jackie ruining a brand new designer dress with the blood splattering it from his head exploding! Maybe Jim Marrs can address this. I remember her bloodied dress and pill box hat (sort of like the Alka Seltzer boy, which really dates me!). She insisted on wearing the dress when LBJ was sworn in as President, even though rumor has it she had the opportunity to change clothes. Dressgate!
I marginally enjoy Marrs when he is NOT discussing the JFK assassination. Good grief! This was so long ago, and some people are still obsessed with conspiracy theories? Anyone involved must be very elderly or dead by now. I am just not interested in this topic.

I also must admit I have a problem with his Texas accent also. OK, OK, I Know that it not fair, but I am just being honest. Some "Southern" accents just drive me up the wall. The accent is so nice and "good old boy" friendly, but if you are gay they are ready to string you up from the nearest tree! (just a stereotype, I Know).

Anyway, Jim gets tons of exposure on the Tim Binnell show. Jim is also a regular guest-host on DREAMLAND, and appears on Coast to Coast and numerous paranormal-right wing religious shows like THE EDGE. Not sure the Paracast needs to have Jim repeat the same speech he gives on all the shows (which is Stanton Friedman's strategy too....repeat the same old lines about "noisy negativists", blah, blah, blah). Sometimes it is fun to hear something NEW!

But not every guest can please everyone. That's life. I'll probably skip this episode with the good old boy from Texas, where only 41% of the people realize that humans and dinosaurs did not co-habitat the earth at the same time.

If it's just a stereotype then why say it? Jim Marrs lives near the DFW metroplex which has a large and vibrant gay community. I'm not saying we don't have our share of neocons, obviously we do, otherwise we wouldn't have elected our idiot governor several terms in a row. But judging just because of an accent is just as bad in reverse. We're not all evil neocons here, just about 60% of us are lol. I assure Jim Marrs has gone to quite a few of our Mufon meetings in DFW and he is not the stereotype you are referring to.

I get a little concerned about some of his assertions, but he's a good guy thats probably gotten a tad carried away sometimes.
Hi folks,

Looking forward to Mr Jim Marrs interview with Mr Gene Steinberg & Mr Frank Warren at the Paracast and the topic of NAZI Corporations who fled the Crumbling Third Reich through channels of Northern France in 1944?

Peace & Freedom of Speech : it does not come cheap these days in the hall of dusty hollow!
