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Jim Moseley

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Paranormal Adept
Thanks for the show Gene, some great comments, remembrances and insights for such a larger than life character. Cheers dudes.
That type of show is always worth a listen. I "tuned in" because I like the guests, and gained a bit of appreciation for Moseley. Now that I understand a little better where he was coming from with his work, it has moved up to my gray basket. I still find his pranks childish and his rhetoric tiresome, but it seems he was not a bad guy.
The tribute was a very nice gesture, and it was good to hear what Jim's old friends had to say.
Thanks, Gene and Chris.
It's always been hard for me to imagine how it must have been in the beginning of the UFO era, when there was some reason to believe that these reports meant that something big was just about to happen. Like first contact.

I mean, I've probably been "taught" at the age of three (or whenever I first heard of them) that UFOs are just hoaxes and foolishness. It's been the other way round for me, from "UFOs, yeah whatever" to "what the hell have these pilots, police officers, ex-military guys seen that obviously changed their whole lives...?".

So I couldn't really relate to the disappointment many people in the 50s and 60s must have felt when these exciting reports just petered out and nothing happened. That's become much clearer for me only now, with this show. I'm surprised that not all people who spent time and money to look into these things just turned their back.

Instead of a big revelation, you got these shady "contactees" like George Adamski. You know, I never thought that I would feel good about a UFO hoaxer, but Jim Moseley obviously did it to expose people like him and make the true believers, who would give money and credence to charlatans like him, stop and think. And that's a definite "go for it, Jim". I got a big grin out of that.

Thanks for the show, it's been quite insightful. And really a shame that things didn't work with you and Geneva, Gene, but now I know why :D;) .
Uh-oh. :D Well, the very first thing you two did the very first time I heard you together on the paracast, was to have - well, not an argument but let's say a disagreement. Nahhh, just kidding. From the sound of it, she's really nice. Shame it didn't work out.
It was a question of which came first, the letter from Geneva to me after seeing an item from me in a comic book, Forbidden Worlds (which folded years ago), or my first contact with Jim Moseley. I remember hearing from her first, but it's not a big issue. Since she wasn't present when I first met Moseley, she is just guessing what actually happened and when. At the time, I lived in Brooklyn, she lived in the Birmingham, Alabama area.
These last two weeks have been a heartfelt tribute to the late Jim Moseley, as I’m certain that Jim would have been pleased at the way in which Gene presented him. The tribute had quite a personal aspect as Gene, and his former spouse “Geneva” interacted, as you could tell that after many years they are still close.

Jim Moseley at the height of the ETH frenzy, stood his ground suggesting alternative theories rather than the ETH hypothesis, which to this day runs as popular opinion. Jim very well could have said, sure I’ll jump in with the rest, perhaps I could make a decent living on the lecture circuit describing “mother ships.” Jim didn’t tow the line, instead created controversy, cutting against the grain, with sound reasoning and keen satire . This is what could be describe as character, which is so desperately lacking within this genre. Perhaps in the future there will be another Jim Moseley, however, I wouldn’t count on it.
I was never very familiar with Jim Moseley until I started listening to the Paracast. He seems like just what the UFO community needed on occasion. A colorful character. I can tell that Gene has a great appreciation and respect for the man and undertandably so.

I went back to the very first Paracast in 06' and it featured none other than Jim Moseley. Things have come full circle and ended well in terms of the memories ,accomplishments and legacy left behind.
In case you missed it, The final issue of Jim Moseley's Saucer Smear

And yet, somehow there is an alleged new Saucer Smear Exclusive:
Blue Blurry Lines: Schuessler Moons UFO Community: A Saucer Smear Exclusive

Jim is more resilient than Andy Kaufman!​