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John Alexander Asks For Immunity for Military UFO Witnesses!!!!

Free episodes:

UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs [EXCLUSIVE]

Retired Army Col. John Alexander has one goal: to ask Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus and National Intelligence Director Gen. James Clapper to offer amnesty to anyone in the military who has been previously sworn to secrecy about UFOs.

Why doesn't he ask a duck to perform neurosurgery? Ain't happening, thumps like a hollow log that it is.
UFO Amnesty: Ex-Army Colonel John Alexander Seeks Amnesty For Military Who Witness UFOs [EXCLUSIVE]

Retired Army Col. John Alexander has one goal: to ask Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus and National Intelligence Director Gen. James Clapper to offer amnesty to anyone in the military who has been previously sworn to secrecy about UFOs.

Really ... I wonder how that will go? If they say "No" then they're admitting that their people have seen UFOs. If they say "Yes" then they're admitting there's been a cover up. So I predict a prolonged "No comment" on the outcome of his effort.
The amnesty offer sounds pretty good in theory. I can imagine it playing out less constructively in practice. Personnel reporting something truly anomalous could still be quietly blackballed as kooks. Those unfortunate enough to capture hard evidence of something sensitive would probably go mysteriously silent, creating more conspiracy gossip and little else.

On the other hand, it might prompt retired military and defense related personnel to come forward with things about which they have been silent from many years.