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Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor

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The O'Reillys of the world are the reason why we have so many fucking problems getting any kind of truth out to the world in regards to ANYTHING.

Polarizing figures are the biggest detriment to our republic.
The O'Reillys of the world are the reason why we have so many fucking problems getting any kind of truth out to the world in regards to ANYTHING.

Polarizing figures are the biggest detriment to our republic.

Yeah, not a fan of his. I wish Bill and John dealt him more than they did.
Polarizing figures are the biggest detriment to our republic.

So, you are not for debate? Everyone should think and say the same thing?

If someone has a view that is totally opposed to yours, or to what is considered the main stream, they are a 'polarizing figure' I guess.

That would rule out a LOT of people:

Lenny Bruce
Woody Allen
Jack Parr
Norman Lear
Not related to Bill O'Reilly, but had this window minimized as I was watching this and thought it might fit in the thread. Jon Stewart interviewing Carlin.

Looking for the rest of the show. I saw it years ago, been wanting to re-see it again. Only found ten minutes so far.