Paragilmorian guy
Those pesky Project Camelot-ers, Cassidy and Ryan interviewed Dr Joseph Farrell in February. I've just come across the interview now ... so this is a heads up to those that missed it.
I have a straaange feeling they interviewed him so that his academic standing may give the other people they interview more credence (??).
Anyway really interesting interview if you can withstand Bill Ryans slick-slimy-ness. I'm just now at the bit where Cassidy tries to put across the idea that The Bell device was some sort of time-machine-portal-opening kind of machine ... which Dr Farrell jumps on straight away and quashes.
You can find it here in various forms:
Though ... you may want to put on a face mask and/or gloves to shield yourself from Ryan's slime beforehand
I have a straaange feeling they interviewed him so that his academic standing may give the other people they interview more credence (??).
Anyway really interesting interview if you can withstand Bill Ryans slick-slimy-ness. I'm just now at the bit where Cassidy tries to put across the idea that The Bell device was some sort of time-machine-portal-opening kind of machine ... which Dr Farrell jumps on straight away and quashes.
You can find it here in various forms:
Though ... you may want to put on a face mask and/or gloves to shield yourself from Ryan's slime beforehand