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Joseph P Farrell as a guest

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Paranormal Adept
Lets wheel this guy out again, its been a while and hes written about 800 books since he was last on. I want to see who writes quicker him or Nick Redfern.
Farrell is one of my favorite authors, but I can never finish most of his books because they are too technical.

I would love to hear him on the Paracast!

His spectrum of research is so wide you'd need to focus on just one area. I'd enjoy more about the Nazi Bell and Hitler in Argentina. His stuff about pyramid death ray physics is too speculative to explain on audio.

You could focus on how Bruno's Hermeticism got transformed into Freemasonry, and how the Bavarian Illuminati used that model to fight the Catholic Church.

I can't figure out if he is a Greenbacker who supports truly public currencies, or if he supports non-fascist true free market currencies like Bitcoin.

There's a lot to choose from.