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Joseph P Farrell: Gary McKinnon News

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Paranormal Adept

Well what do you all think? did Gary McKinnon find something or is he just plain nuts?

Oh and some one should tell Jo that the article is around a year old.
only people outside of britain would/could believe mckinnon is a disinfo vehicle for the yanks., thats because they do not appreciate just how hard they tried to 'get him'.

No mckinnons just your average every day nutjob.

space command has a long well documented history along with full bio's of it's non terrestrial officers.
This is like Bob Lazar but done with a dial up modem.

That is so very quotable.

only people outside of britain would/could believe mckinnon is a disinfo vehicle for the yanks., thats because they do not appreciate just how hard they tried to 'get him'.

No mckinnons just your average every day nutjob.

space command has a long well documented history along with full bio's of it's non terrestrial officers.

More or less my opinion on the matter as far as a nut job is concerned.. But it has me wondering from time to time as to why the Yanks went after him so damned hard.
Yeah he broke into gov computers. Did he uncover off planet bases and personnel? How could he not screen capture that stuff? He could have wiki leaked it. Pretty pathetic. My guess is he came up with that stuff to win sympathy & press.
I really dont know about this one, and i doubt we ever will.
He claims he didnt do a screen cap because the image "bedazzled" him, and to be fair i think that if i found an image that i beleived was , what he says he thinks it was, then i would be pretty distracted for a moment too.

He lost his connection soon after, I use screen caps myself in games and so i know you can miss things if you are not quick enough.

But his problem with the US govt was one of his own making, leaving messages like this

"US foreign policy is akin to Government-sponsored terrorism these days … It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year … I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels … "

Was just begging for trouble, He poked the bear and got what he deserved imo.

The US authorities claim he deleted critical files from operating systems, which shut down the United States Army’s Military District of Washington network of 2,000 computers for 24 hours. McKinnon also posted a notice on the military's website: "Your security is crap". After the September 11 attacks in 2001, he deleted weapons logs at the Earle Naval Weapons Station, rendering its network of 300 computers inoperable and paralyzing munitions supply deliveries for the US Navy's Atlantic Fleet. McKinnon is also accused of copying data, account files and passwords onto his own computer. US authorities claim the cost of tracking and correcting the problems he caused was over $700,000.[4]

A senior military officer at the Pentagon told The Sunday Telegraph: "US policy is to fight these attacks as strongly as possible. As a result of Mr McKinnon's actions, we suffered serious damage. This was not some harmless incident. He did very serious and deliberate damage to military and Nasa computers and left silly and anti-America messages. All the evidence was that someone was staging a very serious attack on US computer systems."[6]