Charlie Prime
Paranormal Adept
Juggalos provide a Family for low-class, uneducated, hopeless, pathetic, loser wage slaves.
I have a soft spot for Juggalos. They are the most-hated, most vilified social group in America.
Vile hate which would get you arrested if spewed at blacks, joos, or gheys, will win you applause when spewed at Juggalos.
Here's Anarchy in action: Juggalo Night Court. No prisons needed:
An NSFW Trip to Juggalo Night Court, Which Is a Real Thing | Houston Press
Misfits society has abandoned start their own society. That's pretty cool.
I have a soft spot for Juggalos. They are the most-hated, most vilified social group in America.
Vile hate which would get you arrested if spewed at blacks, joos, or gheys, will win you applause when spewed at Juggalos.
Here's Anarchy in action: Juggalo Night Court. No prisons needed:
An NSFW Trip to Juggalo Night Court, Which Is a Real Thing | Houston Press
Despite this compelling evidence, Fun Size was found guilty, owing to the fact that the jury had actually been material witnesses to the crime.
In defiance, she double-flipped the bird as the bailiff led her to the Wheel of Bone, which would determine her sentence.
Misfits society has abandoned start their own society. That's pretty cool.