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June 12, 2016 — Col. John B. Alexander

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Gene Steinberg

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This is an unusual episode where, in addition to talking about UFOs and its political implications, Col. Alexander also recalls his long-time friendship with the late best-selling author, Tom Clancy, who also had an interest in UFOs.

To some extent, this episode influences this week's After The Paracast podcast, an exclusive feature of The Paracast+. Check the following for more information about our premium subscription service:

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Yeah, Jim Marrs may be a quality researcher, but I defy any paracast people to listen to his June 2016
Coast to Coast appearance and determine it to be 'level-headed'. :eek: I would suggest: WOOO!

Everyone is grumpy sometimes. When I'm grumpy the thing that will make me grumpier is to be called grumpy. You know what else..? Quitting nicotine makes me grumpy!

Chris I know you generally dislike comic books, but since you like Turok, I recommend GROO by Sergio Aragones. Sword Sorcery Sophisticated Silliness. I think it'd be good for your levity and it seems like your bag.

The artist from MAD magazine marginals.

Gene you should totally check it too!
It's the topic of this week's newsletter. As soon as you get deep into UFO lore, you're in the political realm. There's no way out.
I just listened to the Col. Alexander episode and I thought it was excellent. A couple of thoughts came to mind. There is going to be a bunch of bitching and moaning because all the talk wasn't centered on ufos. Tough. Col. Alexander decided to go off topic and that was fine with me. It was good to hear about the Skinwalker Ranch, paranormal activities in Brazil, politics and health care. Here's a fact... the ufo subject is not going to be solved in the next few days. It's time range out and hear some other ideas and other views.
Thank you for having John Alexander on the show. As a political progressive, I often feel a bit overwhelmed and alienated by so many players in UFOlogy who sound like characters from an Ayn Rand novel. Anti-government *everything*. Colonel Alexander sounds so much more grounded in comparison. We need more of that.
Damn it, I have always wanted to ask Alexander this one question...."If you were in charge of very classified material, and someone you knew in the intelligence world came up to you and asked you about that classified material, but you knew he was not read into the program and did not have a need to know, would you disclose any information to such person."

Knowing Alexander is a respected military man, I would almost bet his answer would be "NO, I would not disclose any classifed information to someone not read into the program."

Yet, that is exactly what he expects people to do when he asks them about classified material. His whole UFO thesis is, "well I worked in intelligence, I had clearances, and I poked around asking everyone who could possibly know about UFOs if they were true, and had no such luck."

By his own standards, he shouldn't expect to have much luck, yet he really believes that these high-ranking military men would be loose with the facts and simply read him into a project he had zero need to know.
After Alexander’s response of unknowingness to Knapp’s claim of video of an orb navigating around a doorway at Skinwalker Central, I’m entirely uncertain of Knapp and Alexander. How could something of such importance be overlooked where Alexander wasn’t even curious of Knapp’s alleged video? It may either be the video is a hoax pawned off on the unwitting Knapp, or, it doesn’t exist, and Knapp was attempting to conjure up publicity.

Having been hastily compiled, twas a Big-e-low mistake to let Knapp control the creating of Hunt for the Skinwalker in book form.

Then again, it really makes no difference, as Alexander would rather splash around with great whites, and visit with James Gilliland.

I would savor locating Terry Sherman in spending a couple of quality hours seated next to the infamous legend while sharing a few pitchers of IPA, as the concoction has been likened to sodium pentothal in an ice-cold, frosty beer mug, where It has been known that unvarnished truth often loiters toward the bottom.

My final thought on this week’s festival of the paranormal rests with Mr. Alexander’s beloved, as she was found to be writhing from either bad juju, or perhaps, having consumed an overabundance of outdated egg whites.

Irrespective, I hope she has fully recovered.
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It was a very good show however listening to Chris talk about contact in the desert it is hard to imagine how anyone managed to squeeze so many snake oil salesmen into one place.
I shot about 45 minutes of video which I am editing for inclusion in the Paracast+ video section. :) I bum rushed the stage just before David Wilcock was to speak and conducted a poll about how people think Georgio gets that hair affect...
I heard it was nearly impossible to breach the chicken wire @ Cacophony in the Desert, where you may have hurtled walkers and canes in achieving your objective.
I just listened to the Col. Alexander episode and I thought it was excellent. A couple of thoughts came to mind. There is going to be a bunch of bitching and moaning because all the talk wasn't centered on ufos. Tough. Col. Alexander decided to go off topic and that was fine with me. It was good to hear about the Skinwalker Ranch, paranormal activities in Brazil, politics and health care. Here's a fact... the ufo subject is not going to be solved in the next few days. It's time range out and hear some other ideas and other views.
I'm on the fence with this episode. Whereas I wholeheartedly agree with Dave that it's great to hear about a wider variety of topics, I felt that by the end of the show, very little of any import or interest was actually covered in anything but a "drive-by" fashion. Here's a guest with a significant amount of legitimate experience in several fields of interest to listeners but it felt like his visit was squandered. I'm not necessarily blaming the hosts, Gene and Chris referenced during the After The Paracast segment how slippery the Colonel was during the main show, but it's simply the impression I came away with after listening.

On a separate note, I felt that the corresponding After The Paracast episode featuring George Wingfield was outstanding and one of the best ATPs in MONTHS. Well done guys.