Angel of Ioren
Friendly Skeptic
Did anyone else find the cases presented by this week's guest less than compelling? Is it really that impressive that he has such a huge database of all these wild claims?
There is a lack of critical thinking in the way he approaches the topic. Stuff like the guy that was hit by the beam - when he said that he died two days after of a strange form of cancer, that was interesting. It turns out he died several months later of leukemia - not as compelling a claim.
Or the woman that said she saw the devil in her backyard? There are a lot more plausible explanations than taking what she said at face value.
There is a lack of critical thinking in the way he approaches the topic. Stuff like the guy that was hit by the beam - when he said that he died two days after of a strange form of cancer, that was interesting. It turns out he died several months later of leukemia - not as compelling a claim.
Or the woman that said she saw the devil in her backyard? There are a lot more plausible explanations than taking what she said at face value.