I personally, believe here, most if not all cases of alleged Disc and Saucer crashes in the 1940's or 1950's are fabricated hoaxes. But i still remain open minded to Roswell. Why on Earth would they have released a statement to the public and made a claim, they had found a Flying disc near some ranch, for a day, later to suddenly turn around and retract that statement and claim it was a ordinary weather balloon. I'm really puzzled by this unless it was indeed a mistake. In the reports their is a claim that MacBrazel rang the Base (no details)
But maybe he phoned or got word to the Roswell army base that an object maybe a UFO had crashed near his home Most UFO reports around this time were about people seeing discs and saucer type flying through the air and doing incredible speeds and sometimes marvellous Aerobatic manoeuvres were witnessed by these eyewitnesses in the sky. The burning question, for me is, When the Roswell Army base before they released that Statement in July 1947 to the public.."Who was was the person that confirmed it was a flying Disc.. Someone most have been senting information to the base from the location of the debris (the person in the field)? if was a mistake.. Was this statement released to the media on word of mouth only..this was an unconfirmed report?
I guess anything is possible (maybe it was a fuck up) like i said a mistake.
I often wonder about a certain aspect of the Roswell story. Were claims of bodies being seen or been found at the crashed site were alleged. Stanton Friedman (just to pick one Roswell researcher here)
If you know anything about his Works (books and stuff) The beings that always seem to be involved in the cases he has researched or wrote about are the Small humanoid beings (ET from OUTER SPACE)
So the question is, How many of the alleged Roswell witnesses were influenced by the books, that came later in the 1970's and 1980's? Hypothetically speaking.. If i saw a old video clip say from the late 1950's and one of these eyewitnesses claimed they saw small humanoid bodies then and back then. I would find that mighty interesting, however that never happened, the length of time, since the Roswell event and when these Eyewitnesses spoke out for the first time is a real problem for me.
I believe, we do need to look closely at the Nazi saucer program to explain these objects. I've seen some interesting Photos released by the Russians however there is no details in how successful these tests were. Maybe it was a project that was just at the starting faze but never got completed ( ending of the war) and the Allies captured these discs and have been flying these objects around for the last sixty years. Purpose well to fool into people into believing we are being visited by ET.
The disc or saucer craft might be a useless object for fighting wars but a great tool for fighting a disinformation war against your enemies. I'm not saying this is the case, but maybe, there is a reality here, that would to explain some of the reports of Disc and saucers in the past? I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon due to being a experiencer of the UFO phenomenon.
"I agree with Paul, Shag harbour incident might not have been a crash of a ET Craft? But i still remain open minded to it. If the Russians, Americas and Canadians were involved here, maybe it was a terrestrial space object of some kind, a manned capsule, gone of course? UFO Cases like Keckburg 1965 and Shag Harbour 1967 interest me due to the time proximity to the moon landings 1969.
The Russians and Americans were undoubtedly, testing stuff before, the moon landings occurred in 1969. So the're is always a possibility some secret project went hair wire here and maybe lives were lost, but these projects were never revealed due to the lost of life (no family members) needed to be contacted, they signed up as single men for a classified project. Highly speculative of course.
Something went into water but there is no reason to believe it was an Alien spacecraft. However there is a base close to were this UFO Went into the water, Then there is a high likelyhood of radar being used by the Base? So they probably tracked this object themselves without having to be notified by the public. Anyway just a few of the many thoughts i had concerning this weeks interview with Kevin Randall.