Paranormal Adept
Well, not really an experiment really. Just a thought and if you have time from all the "serious" U.F.O. discussion and slandering and slinging mud at people ya don't know I'd like to hear from you. I was on my way to see a client today. There was an object "hovering" in the sky. The sun was shining off it and it was hard to see. Still, I made sure I was in a safe place (so I didn't get ran over.) I thought hmmm not a plane. I kept looking and finally could make out what I first suspected it was. A helocopter! Now I never EVER even Once thought iw was a "flying saucer" But, I thought about some skeptics (not all just some loud mouth ones on t.v.) To them me being a simple "rube" from Alabama my first impulse shoud have been to call the local radio station and report a u.f.o. However, in reality my first impulse was to confirm it was a simple everyday craft that is very much "man made." I guess my point is I've seen lots of things in the sky and I have NEVER reported a u.f.o. I think people who do report such things are more dependeble than some "skeptics" would like to think. I know the old "saw" is you can't trust people. But, most of us think of what it more than likely is before we go running to the media yelling u.f.o. So, I guess my thing is don't be so quick to put your fellow humans down as dweebs and rubes. They may actually be seeing something before they report it. I hope this is as clear as mud cause I know what I'm trying to say. Just don't know if I did a good job of it. 8)