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Paranormal Adept
I listen to a few other shows where guests are deliberately set up in a debate format with the host remaining neutral. Each guest is an expert in their chosen field. In order to have these kinds of debates though you need level headed guests who can explain their POV and maintain civility with the opposing viewpoint. IOW setting up a civilized conflict.

For example, you could have an expert in the field of NDE that has concluded that all happenings are purely the result of a chemical reaction inside the brain right before death and the opposing expert could comment on why they think more is involved and attempt to give a reasonable argument. I know the kinds of shows I am thinking about can also be a set up to spank someone. I'm talking about fair ideas and exchange here.

You could have creationist/evolution debates or debates on spirituality between different persuasions. Debates on UFOs between opposing views on the subject. Civil debates, no name calling, only intellectually engaging debates between people who respect one another.

I think sometimes the presentations are unequivocally one sided. I don't fault you guys here for that. I like when you challenge the guests on some of the more far out assumptions.

This is NOT an accusation, I have sometimes wondered if certain radio programs are either funded with kickbacks from book publishers or other organizations with agendas. I know that in the music world at one time in order to get your song on the air at a station you might need to "sweeten" the deal a little bit. Once again I am not passing judgement on the Paracast here only making an observation of a handful of paranormal shows on the air.
A debate of this sort is a good idea. But, no, we are not funded with kickbacks by any company or organization. Our ad income is minimal. We wish it were higher, much higher, but advertisers cannot exert editorial control of this show. Not now, not ever.
I am glad to know this . It makes me feel better about what I'm hearing on the shows. I hope your funding situation improves as well.
Kickbacks?! DANG! That's a great idea Gene! Why didn't you think of that? You could get Michael Horn to bribe us to embrace the Billy Meir case, or Stan Romanek to pay us handsomely to ooo and ahh at his house-of-cards, or Alfred Weber to pay us off to embrace whatever-the-hell he's pushing...hmm, thanks for the suggestion Starise... :rolleyes: