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Kal Korff a wanted man in the Czech Republic

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Breaking news that surfaced on the Kal Korff Is An Idiot blog;
Kal Korff is an IDIOT

It seems like Korff had ordered Apple iPods and a MacBook but send the bill to a company he was loosely working for as a freelance English teacher. The company Agetura Provas knew of nothing when Cables and Simms filled a lawsuit. Korff apparently had left the country...
Varování: Kal Korff – neplatiÄ? ..., recenze na MacZone.cz

Here's a translation by a poster on the KKIAI blog;
"This is a very rough translation and I cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of it. I also want to make it clear that these charges at this point are allegations and Kal has not been arrested or charged with a crime at this point, but the firm Cables and Simms has filed a lawsuit against Vojtek's company and has also named Kal as a defendant in the lawsuit.

For the first time in history the firm Cables and Simms has been the subject of unfair practices by a consumer and his name is Kal Korff. Kal Korff (an American journalist) represented himself as an employee of Agentura ProVás initially on April 22, 2008 taking merchandise of value at 47,250CZK and leaving without paying claiming that the bill should be sent to Agentura ProVas and again on May 5, 2008. However, the bill went into default. Vojtek was contacted about the bill and corroborated to Cables and Simms their suspicion that Vojtek did not authorize the purchase and that Kal Korff was not and never has been an employee of Vojtek and was only contracted on a freelance basis to teach English.

Something about the facts being a wake-up call or warning about Kal Korff misrepresenting facts and avoiding payments or returning or making good on an account payable. Something about Kal having to leave because of a threat. It mentions the Czech police and US embassy being asked and both saying they knew nothing about Kal working for Israel or doing any sort of classified work and they knew nothing about any threat.

An inquiry caused them to have problems believing Kal’s claims. Something about anyone seing Kal to contact the firm Cables and Simms immediately. The firm Cables and Simms has filed legal charges against Kal Korff to compel him to pay the company or return their stolen property.

The firm Cables and Simms are stating the serial numbers of the ipods have been reported to the Czecvh police and have been entered into both the Czech police database and the Apple database for identification."
Freelance english teacher? What's next, me teaching kids not to drink?
Well, it seems that beside from being an attention seeking media whore, Korff is also broke and thus has to apply for jobs or order stuff on someone elses name. There was a post in the comments section of the KKIAI blog from someone who claimed to have met 'kernel' Korff during a job interview for an English teaching position. Korff was vague about a lot of things including his resume. The interviewer didn't got the best of impressions and fortunately didn't hire him. You can see what happens if you do.