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Kardashev type 1

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Paranormal Adept
Just dawned on me how far we are from a type 1 civilization [emoji79]

California is burning to a crisp, record breaking El Niño forming as we speak, warmest July on record...

Michio Kaku: 'a type 1 civilization controls its oceans, volcanos and weather. In essence it has full control of a planet.'

Kind of hints that with these kind of terraforming abilities we'd be able to create earth 2 on Mars by warming it up and perhaps earth 3 on Venus after we cool it down.

Who needs to travel to the stars when every thing we need is right here ;)
I tend to use those measurements of Type I, II, III civilizations frequently as a means to calibrate just how incredibly far away we are from the real space faring populations of the universe. I doubt that if we ever saw a Type II or III civilization in action that we would even recognize anything about them as being remotely close to the thing we call civilization. If anything, their means of information gathering, cultural exchange and communication would just baffle us. I'm not sure if that gives more or less credence to the thing we call The UFO Phenomenon but it does seem to play out in many interesting cases where an incredible technology is at work and their interactions with us in reports of humanoid encounters often make no sense and/or disrupt our own notions of both logic and linearity.
Yeah I'd say we were a Type 0.02 civilisation.

Kaku says we should attain type 1 in 100 years :confused: .... which does sound kind of optimistic :) But then 100 years ago we had first flight in one of these:

Followed by industrial, technological, information, communication quantum leaps putting exponential stress on the supporting ecosystem.
Kaku was right, the only way for this civilization to survive is to replace the natural ecosystem by an artificial one (developing the skills of a type 1). Our planet needs to behave according to our will and controlling ocean currents will probably be the first thing put under our thumb since they trigger the droughts, hurricanes, floods and wild temperature fluctuations.... etc...

Once the mechanics of global ocean currents are fully modeled and understood, I don't see why optimizing them with a few tweaks proposed by a quantum computer couldn't be helpful ;)

(as in... R2D2 proposes the destruction of deep sea trench x which would divert current y... eliminating droughts on the west coast)
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I tend to use those measurements of Type I, II, III civilizations frequently as a means to calibrate just how incredibly far away we are from the real space faring populations of the universe. I doubt that if we ever saw a Type II or III civilization in action that we would even recognize anything about them as being remotely close to the thing we call civilization. If anything, their means of information gathering, cultural exchange and communication would just baffle us. I'm not sure if that gives more or less credence to the thing we call The UFO Phenomenon but it does seem to play out in many interesting cases where an incredible technology is at work and their interactions with us in reports of humanoid encounters often make no sense and/or disrupt our own notions of both logic and linearity.

I expect type I entities to have mastered ecosystems. Which also means controlling all life support systems. At this point, the organic world is fully decoded and the human life-span controls are understood rendering the human race quasi-immortal. A world where time is irrelevant opens up a whole new can of worms. It forces you to build colonies off the home planet if you are maintaining the same birthrate. Controlling the ecosystem means you know its limitations.
Logan's Run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe type II and III civilization are simply dealing with wild population explosions at different stages of complexity and occupation of space.

Fitting the UFO phenomenon in the Kardashev scale might give us the proper perspective on intent and behavior of some of the UFO's. In a way they could be interstellar bees taking care of a farm that we call earth. That would certainly be a good fit with the Malmstrom AFB event in Montana.
In 1967, UFOs disabled nuclear missiles in silos at Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana

Stuff like the hypothetical Eisenhower meeting also fits in a Kardashev structure... where humans are under the control of a type I or II civilization controlling this part of the galaxy.

... You can go all the way back and justify the gods of antiquity with this ;). Zeus and his immortal cohorts (Type I) meeting the poor immortal (Type 0) greeks.
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In Kardashev's definition he speaks of being able to utilize the resources of the planet and the ability to harness the power of your sun. I'm not sure if mastering or controlling our oceans will be the right direction. To date we have thumbed our collective noses at nature's natural processes and opted for disruption in our attempts to control things. When I think of the devastation created by hydroelectric dams or our use of oil we appear to be ignorant of how to go about properly harnessing our resources.

For me it's been our hubris that has defeated us to date, or at least slowed us down and belittled our great achievements because of our inefficiencies, our waste and our indiscriminate killing of other species. If we could just get off our high horses and out of our effin ivory towers we might recognize the very effective, natural and passive processes at work in nature already. If we are going to get to the Type I status I think we might need to harness our aggressive qualities and start work on more generative ones. To do this we will need to get greed and shareholder profit off the priority list for what drives our approach to energy production.
In Kardashev's definition he speaks of being able to utilize the resources of the planet and the ability to harness the power of your sun. I'm not sure if mastering or controlling our oceans will be the right direction. To date we have thumbed our collective noses at nature's natural processes and opted for disruption in our attempts to control things. When I think of the devastation created by hydroelectric dams or our use of oil we appear to be ignorant of how to go about properly harnessing our resources.

For me it's been our hubris that has defeated us to date, or at least slowed us down and belittled our great achievements because of our inefficiencies, our waste and our indiscriminate killing of other species. If we could just get off our high horses and out of our effin ivory towers we might recognize the very effective, natural and passive processes at work in nature already. If we are going to get to the Type I status I think we might need to harness our aggressive qualities and start work on more generative ones. To do this we will need to get greed and shareholder profit off the priority list for what drives our approach to energy production.

I think Type I is about getting the whole planet picture. Understanding how this planet works as a life-supporting engine and being able to improve it's sustainability by artificial means. It's the only way to go considering the human pressures we're putting on it. This earth will be unrecognizable once we convert it into our machine. Greed driven you might say... but it's the only road available to sustain this kind of human growth.

Type II is solar, pulling energy directly from the home star to feed solar system installations.
I think very plausible we have already passed level one which only a few in very high places . When you been around some super wealthy folks they look at us in very different way. Lets not forget feudal systems have not changed really just cloaked in a formation of democracy symbolism which one day a year we are actually true one . All political parties have policies passed down not up and in the end the Puppet Masters choose when technology is passed through governments and their masters Lobby Groups.
I think very plausible we have already passed level one which only a few in very high places . When you been around some super wealthy they look at us in very different way. Lets not forget feudal systems have not changed really just cloaked in a formation of democracy which one day we are actually true one.

That's a scary thought, but also a possibility, where a breakaway elite group holding the key to immortality and world finances starts directing the fate of the rest of humanity on an unstable planet. Might come to that when crunch time hits. The idea is to create space to expand your race into new areas. If your civilization is caught in a bottleneck, that sort of outcome is a no-brainer.
I think very plausible we have already passed level one which only a few in very high places . When you been around some super wealthy folks they look at us in very different way. Lets not forget feudal systems have not changed really just cloaked in a formation of democracy symbolism which one day a year we are actually true one . All political parties have policies passed down not up and in the end the Puppet Masters choose when technology is passed through governments and their masters Lobby Groups.
I don't know about passing Type I as it takes a lot of Ca$h from us taxed serfs to create Pharaoh's new pyramids of power. But as for feudal systems and the mask of democracy, I'm down with all of that. Master and Servant has always been where it's at. It's all Soylent Green, Rollerball and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in terms of the sci-fi skins I see the world wearing.

Cesar & the Elites Watches the Gladiators Die for Their Pleasure in Rollerball
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Look for evidence around the World and why do the system have secrets in the first place Type I civilisation is plausible. Why would so many whistle-blowers come out suggesting such things as secret space programme's, massive triangles objects ,hidden black budgets, missing folks? Burnt I would not be surprised if something like that game does go on in some dark hidden place.
Look for evidence around the World and why do the system have secrets in the first place Type I civilisation is plausible. Why would so many whistle-blowers come out suggesting such things as secret space programme's, massive triangles objects ,hidden black budgets, missing folks? Burnt I would not be surprised if something like that game does go on in some dark hidden place.

A breakaway Type I ... I like that idea !

In a way it's a different race working with different rules, it is also mutation (immortality) and we can't all become mutants at the same time without crashing the machine. A paradigm shift in very slow motion. Brilliant !