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Kecksberg and Coronas

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Skilled Investigator
When ever Kecksburg is mentioned in UFO TV shows I never hear anyone suggest a "Discoverer" AKA Corona Satellite reentry capsule. They are kind of acorn shaped. I have to believe that theory has been considered but I never hear it. They were launching them in the mid 60s from what I have read.
We'll not sure about that. I wish I could see one of the pictures the military confiscated. However a lot of things could have been misinterpreted as hieroglyphics like damaged wiring or tubing or scorch marks? It did seem to be coming down from the north and
that would be consistent with a Corona ground track. There were something like 11 atlas agina launches that year. Also I read that the daughter of John Murphy who saw his photos said that the object was cone shaped. Having said all that the way that the government handled it all is still weird to me so I wonder if there was something extra weird about that object.
I do believe that the disc shaped objects seen in the summer of 1947 we're not of 1947 Earth design and that it was a real event. But after that people in that us had a touch of UFOitis.
The question is how any satellite using known technologies and no parachute could have made such a relatively soft landing.

The closest thing to the Kecksburg case I can recall is some guy who lived on his houseboat in the western desert (near Nellis?) who is on video record as having seen a very brightly glowing object trace a trajectory on its way down to a relatively soft landing not at all far from his houseboat. He claims the object was still glowing as a military retrieval team recovered it using helicopters and some kind of sling apparatus.

Maybe this case rings a bell with somebody? The guy seemed (again subjectively) very genuine on video.

I-Team: Chasing UFO's on the River - 8 News NOW
Coronas did use a parachute. There don't seem to be reports saying someone saw a chute but if the chute wasn't white , in the dark you would't see it. Another possibility is that maybe ONLY the stabilizing drogue chute deployed which is smaller which would bring it down faster but not so fast it would be smashed? ....All pure speculation of course. Any O'l Corona boys out there? Lol