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Keel Was Right...And Wrong....And We Will All Be Resurrected After We Die...Maybe

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Paranormal Maven
It's called Boltzmann Brains.

Okay, it's hard to explain this so let's see if I can give an incredibly watered down version. If the Universe will expand to infinity then it will one day give rise to disembodied minds called Boltzmann Brains. The brains will come in all varieties and they will literally just pop into existence. They will not go through an evolutionary process. They won't be "born". They will just *poof* themselves into existence. Some on a lower order than a human mind. Others will be god-like. Thus Keel was correct. There are indeed "ultraterrestrials" but they are called Boltzmann Brains. The only problem is that they *probably* don't exist just yet. However, anything is possible.

In the far distant future when the expanding Universe is mostly completely void these brains may come to dominate. They would literally exist all across infinity. Perhaps they might even unite and create a super-Boltzmann Brain. Who knows? However, they will need an incredibly long amount of time in order to pop into existence. Our type of brain should be long gone by the times these arise. But here's the problem, or the cool part depending on how you take it. If these Boltzmann Brains exist or will exist then there most assuredly will be one, more than likely an infinite number, that will have a complete perfect copy of your memories and experiences. At the end of time you, I, and everyone else who has ever lived will be resurrected as one of these minds. A minority of people think that we already could be existing right now as these minds and that the reality we see around us is just an illusion we have created to shield us from the dull drum of the nothingness, the eternal blackness that engulfs us. Perhaps we are currently dreaming!

Again, in order for these entities to exist the Universe must be able to expand into infinity. If it doesn't expand into infinity the likelihood of one of these entities popping into existence is so slim it's almost impossible.

But just think about what this would mean...It would mean that God might be real. That multiple gods might be real. That the ultraterrestrials as Keel defined them to be and all manner of boogie men and spooks might actually be a reality. Can you just imagine if the horrors of Lovecraft were real? Shivers! They would come in all shapes in sizes. From little imps to gods!

Now, there are those scientists who believe that this simply can not be and that there has got to be something that will prevent our Universe from expanding to infinity. Some believe that String Theory might "save the day". Others suggest the Higgs particle might end up destroying the Universe before any of these creatures can be spawned. However, the reality is that we don't know. Again, it all depends if the Universe expands into infinity. If it does then these minds will most assuredly arise someday.

The Higgs, Boltzmann Brains, and Monkeys Typing Hamlet - The Crux | DiscoverMagazine.com

Hyper-Intelligent Superbrains Floating In Deep Space Probably Don't Outnumber Humanity, Say Physicists

String theory may limit space brain threat - physics-math - 22 May 2013 - New Scientist
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