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Paranormal Novice

You set and keep the bar high for podcasts regarding the paranormal. Refreshing to hear people who are:

1) always sober
2) don't meander off thematically
3) have done research
4) have experience with established members of the community or with encounters.

Great work. Keep it up.
I will point out that people like "Doug" fit number four.

"...have experience with established members of the community or with encounters."

This - to me - is a very important avenue to follow. The direct experience of encounters is deeply mysterious, and I think it's important that these voices are aired. The palpable anxiety in Doug's voice made his story seem all the more intense. At the beginning of that episode, Gene and David said they would be doing more shows like this one. I hope they do, because there is an added intimacy when it's the voice of the "experiencer" (I hate that word) rather than coming second hand from the researcher.

Please - keep it real (whatever that means)