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Kentucy UFO vid

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Typical misuse of the word UFO by the witness, but still fairly interesting. After several views in HD there are a couple of parts in the video where it looks like the object is some kind of artifact produced by the telescope video camera interface. Of course that implies that the sighting reported here is a misinterpretation ( you don't usually find amateur astronomers pulling off hoaxes ). Apparently the object was also observed by other people, but we have no way to know if the object in the video is the same one that was observed by the other witnesses. Even if it was a real object there are no reports that indicate it is beyond our own technology to replicate. It may be some sort of high altitude experimental platform. One type is a high altitude wind power generating platform. The other is for military use such as reconnaissance or communications relays. There are patents for both and some smaller scale experiments have been done. Maybe this was something larger ... a full scale prototype.




From: UFO Over Virgie, Kentucky 10/16/12

"2. 2012-10-16 2012-10-16 4:30PM (GS) Horizontal inkpen shape in sky hovering. Many jets kept flying by it. I saw 3 within 15-mins. My cousin and others watched it for hours and they saw more than 16 jets fly by it. Pikeville, KY, US

Story Reported: My cousin called my mom and told her that he and his employee had been watching a strange object in the sky for about an hour. The object was brought to their attention by the man next door. Whom, he had never spoken with. The man said he had been watching the object from his porch for about 30 minutes. When I spoke with my cousin he described the object to me and also said that airplanes kept flying by it. I then got in my car and drove to see it for myself. I arrived and could not see it with the naked eye but I could see it with binoculars. I witnessed about 3 airplanes fly past the object. It remained motionless and looked like a silver inkpen floating horizontally in the sky.It did not appear to have a flight path to me as I was there only briefly but my cousin stated that it had been closer and was moving from the right to the left (I am not sure what direction that would be but it could easily be figured out). There were 4 other witnesses there also. I had called my father who is an official in the state government and related what I had seen to him after I left the scene because I had to go pick up my child from a practice. My father later told me that as he was relating my story to one of his employees, the employee recieved a facebook message from his cousin in a town 30 miles away (South Williamson, KY) that had a picture of the object. I havent seen the picture myself. I videoed the object and witnesses but you cannot see anything as the object was so very far away. My cousin took pictures while it was closer before I arrived but you cannot see anything on those but we hope that maybe with the right equipment they can be blown-up and maybe be seen. After I picked up my child from her practice she wanted to go see it but after calling my cousin he stated that you could no longer see it as it had moved beyond the tree-line.It was obviously being watched by our government because of all the planes flying by it. My cousin states that they do not usually fly over the area and definitly not that many. I could not make out what kind of planes they were but we got video of some of them and you can see a lot of vapor trails from them. I dont know what it is. Maybe extraterrestrial, maybe a drone or satalite from a foriegn country that invaded our airspace. I dont have any idea but I believe that those airplanes were diffinitly interested in it.While I was there my cousin said they had seen 16 fly by it.

3. 2012-10-16 2012-10-16 2:25PM (GS) Cylindrical, bright object, brilliant in daylight, hovering high in clear sky Virgie, KY, US My neighbors small daughter noticed a very bright star that shown in the middle of the day, that didnt move, and brought it to my attention. The sky was clear, free of clouds, and blue. Visibility was unlimited. The temperature was in the upper 60s.

Story Reported: I had 4 visitors at the time and they all called to me to come out and look up at something strange. I got binoculars and was stunned to see a bright object that looked cylindrical, with two bright white fluorescent tubes on its sides, hanging very high in the sky. I have an 8" Meade SCT telescope and observed it at about 150 power and it was extremely clear, unmoving, or barely moving, hanging very high in the atmosphere. It was so high, it didnt appear to have shape except through binoculars. It moved ever so slightly that I used the telescopes controls to keep it centered, but it never moved more than 10 degrees from the original position in an hour and a half.

I used my Canon digital camera and took about 50 photos of the object through the telescope and then shot some video also. It oscillated between dim to very bright, (sunlike), on a frequency that varied but was of about 30 seconds.

If it was a balloon it would have drifted with the prevailing winds, if it was a satellite, it would have moved west to east in its orbit, and been out of sight in about 10 minutes, if it was a plane it could not stay up without moving that long. A helicopter would have run out of gas and could not have hovered that long.

None of those things fit this description. It appeared to be cylindrical in shape, semi transparent, and had two very bright lines of light, vertically on its outside edges. Being an amateur astronomer, I know my planets and heavenly bodies and it was none of those. After about 2 hours of observing it through my telescope I came in to post my photos on facebook and during that time my wife came in and said it had disappeared.

I am experienced with taking pictures through my telescope and I know about reflections, planets looking like ufos and such. This wasnt even close to any of those events, and I have 5 other witnesses to prove it. They all saw it through my telescope and observed it for over an hour.. "

The video states the object is a balloon, but the picture of the black balloon doesn't look like the object in the video. The object in the report looks black and black is a key feature of such balloons. However the object in the original video looks translucent. The report also doesn't identify who launched the alleged balloon, nor does it positively identify the object as such a balloon ( it was not retrieved and examined ). The anti ufology tone of the report is also indicative of an anti ufology bias ( mocking clips and comments and unsupported proclamations ). But thanks for posting it up anyway! It's always informative to see how these reports pan out.
I cut and pasted the following comment made on the news website because I couldn't have said it better myself. I really like the way this person thinks.

Really? Thats what you guys think was seen and called in to police by dozens of people? 3000 feet in the air? This thing was seen in 4 states at the SAME TIME as this ASTRONOMER photographed and videorecorded it, who stated , and im quoting his quote from the original article:
" I want to emphasize that the object is NOT moving, The picture is unsteady because I had to hold the camera in hand while trying to video it through the eyepiece of the telescope. There were numerous sightings of the same object at the same time in an area covering 4 states, and reported to the police and newspapers. Sighting was with clear, blue, cloudless skies, no aircraft in sight, altitude unknown but definitely above airliner cruising altitude. The object hovered roughly in the same location for over 2 hours, not drifting more than 10 degress in any direction. Was sighted approximately 60 degrees above the horizon."

Yea. A balloon toy, seen from 3000 feet up from 4 different states, reported by dozens to police and newspapers, and REMAINED STATIONARY 3000 ft up. On a windy day no less. A balloon.

I'm not saying it's an alien spacecraft, theres no evidence for that (although there IS enough evidence to conclude non-terrestrial visitors routinely fly in our skys and have more than a routine interest in earth...I state that with full confidence, and before you say nay, I urge you to open-mindedly do a good 80+ hours of intense study of case reports, read a few unbiased books... Many very intelligent skeptics have had their mind changed when exposed to the good evidence sorted from the BS).

Anyway, wheres the evidence that it's a balloon? Because it just must be? Or just because there is a cigar shaped solar balloon? Did someone claim this balloon? Where does this assumption come from? It's almost as bad as believing the Roswell incident was actually a secret weather balloon. It's BS, and why wouldnt there be an interest in hiding these things, maintaining the status quo? Especially when these craft have proven to be able to render all our nuclear weapons, the foundation of American power, completely useless? They cant have the world knowing that. (Im not joking either- Im talking about 40 years of OFFICIAL reports of ufo activity involving deactivation of nukes at silos, filed by high-ranking personal, at over 20 nuclear missile facilities in the US, UK, and the USSR, from 1969 onward. Do the research! The truth is stranger than fiction! We live in a wondrous world, open your eyes to it!)
Whatever that thing is doesn’t look like that matte black kids toy. Perhaps this will be nothing more than one more float in the ongoing parade of unsolved mysteries.