Paranormal Tyro
Has anybody heard of this guy Kevin Kamman? I recently listened to a few interviews with him on Jeff Rense (Brad Steiger also present). He had quite a story to tell about being abducted. Apparently, Preston Dennett had referred him to Rense. I have read Dennett's UFOs Over New York and he appears to do good work, but I would still love to hear this Kamman guy in the paracast hot seat.
If anyone has anything negative to say about Preston Dennett or Kevin Kamman, please speak your mind and tell us what you know. I'm ready to throw this story out, but I'm not sure if it's gone bad or if it is just really good blue cheese.
If anyone has anything negative to say about Preston Dennett or Kevin Kamman, please speak your mind and tell us what you know. I'm ready to throw this story out, but I'm not sure if it's gone bad or if it is just really good blue cheese.