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Kevin Randle Show

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Hi Gene & Chris ,
Excellent show and great to hear another levelheaded researcher and appreciate you asking the questions from members thank you.

Mr Kevin Randle gives a very good argument on the Roswell Case but it seem more plausible some anti-aircraft technology, advance experimental technology ? , chemical or biological testing and was their any Soviet high atmosphere intrusions during the time period over Roswell between US and Soviets? Anyway its nice to think sci-fi way it might have been from outside this world ?

Furthermore, was their any Soviet subs off the US coast at the time coming from Cuba?

Just listened to about a third of the show. Great so far. I really like this point-counterpoint format where a guest is brought on to present their case and then another guest comes on to present another point of view.

This, really, is the problem with books. When you read a book you don't know what's being left out or misrepresented. You just kind of have to hope for the best, but at the end of the day you have to acknowledge that anything you read could be wrong.

That's not to say that this is the case with Aztec. The Ramsey's may have it right. And one thing I have learned from experience is that just because you can't prove something doesn't mean it's not true. But it sure would've been nice if they had actually come on the show to defend their product.
Too bad the Ramsey's would not return. Kevin is a critical observer, but not a debunker as his support of Roswell shows.
Great show. I loved Kevin's answer to my question about the "mentally ill" people involved in the UFO field. To a certain degree I was being facetious with my question, but the basic reality is there. Chris got what I was saying. By the way, Chris, a mountebank is a blowhard lol! Kind of like a loudmouth snake oil salesman.

I asked that question partly due to Karl Korff going after Kevin, but also because of Korff's attacking of David Biedny and Gene over the years. I had already discovered the "Kal Korff is an IDIOT web site", but it was good to hear Kevin bring it up in the interview, and also clearly state his opinion of Korff, further exposing the kind of goofball "mountebank" that Korff is. Korff is a good example of the kind of person involved in the UFO field that I was referring to. The subject of the strange people who get attracted to the field seems to be taboo to many ufologists. Having said that, Kevin is correct: at least those kinds of folks are not representative of the majority of the folks involved in the field.

In re to Scott Ramsey and his book "The Aztec Incident", I just happened to be poking around with TuneIn on my Blackberry yesterday, and I found a show called The Kate Valentine UFO show. She had interviewed Scott Ramsey on her April 27th show.

The Paracast broadcast their show with the Ramseys on May 20th, so in light of Kevin's critique of the Ramsey's book I listened to the Kate Valentine UFO show this morning to remind myself of some of the points Ramsey brings up. A few things popped up. Ramsey said that he has been going out to the Aztec crash site for 25 years, 200 times. That's a lot of years and a lot of visits. He himself admits in the interview that it's just a 6.5 hour drive time between the Aztec crash site and Roswell (Google maps confirms this) , yet Ramsey states that he has never been out to Roswell. Now, why would he not visit Roswell as part of his Aztec research? Roswell is the most famous UFO crash story in history. Does he not think he can learn something from visiting Roswell that might help him analyze the situation in Aztec? He spends 25 years visiting the Aztec site - over 200 times he makes the trek out there - yet doesn't think to visit Roswell even once? Weird.

Anyway, back to Kevin. Good to hear him slam Chasing UFOs. Why don't they just change the name to "Chasing Ratings" and be honest about it?

I enjoyed Kevin's comments about the "Disgracing UFOs" Roswell show (there's another name change suggestion for them - no charge for the idea). Kevin knows a lot about the situation on the ground there. The air force button discussion was particularly interesting to me. As a metal detectorist myself, I can tell you it wouldn't take much to go out there and toss a bunch of metals around to fool people who are poking around with their Minelabs. We MDers find a lot of strange stuff underground. Sometimes it's easy to figure out what happened in a given situation, and sometimes it's downright perplexing.

Here's a good example: There is an MDer on YouTube who is famous for finding coins then leaving behind a copper plate with an inscription of his YouTube handle for the next MDer to find. lol. All in good fun, but you get the point. When they found that rusty chunk of tin and started to get excited about it, I was literally shaking my head in disgust.

The other point I wanted to bring up about that particular Chasing Ratings show (and I would have been very interested to hear what Kevin thought about this) was the part where the guy shows the metals he has discovered with his detector over the years. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it showing off shiny little bits of metal. Huh? Wow!! Look at that collection of shiny metals - possibly interstellar spaceship metals??? Man, this is silly. So he's found a bunch of little bits of metal, and he just saves them in his binder? but... what exactly are they?! Seriously. What kind of metal is it? What is its composition? The guy doesn't even divulge whether or not he's had them tested and James Fox and his gang don't bother to ask him if he's had them tested. Sheesh. So silly.

Anyway, Kevin if you're reading this, please comment on that part of the show.

The top comment on this YouTube video says it all about Chasing Ratings - there's money in them thar aliens!

It's rather unfortunate how Randle easily dismissed Chase Brandon's Roswell allegations as just a cheap ploy to sell books. It seems Kevin forgot that way before the manuscript could reach the hands of the printer, it had to be vetted first by the CIA's review board; without their approval, Brandon could not be saying what he's been saying on the record.

That, of course, doesn't mean what he's saying is the truth, and that somewhere in Langley's HQ there was a cardboard box labeled 'Roswell' he managed to snoop inside. But it does mean he's spreading this Roswell story on someone's authority —Brandon is not in desperate need to sell a few books on Amazon to make a living; his consultancy job should be more than enough to take care of that.

I recommend you give a listen to this interview my friend Robbie Graham, who has followed this story from the beginning, gave on Alejandro Rojas' radio show:

Robbie Graham, Hollywood and UFOs Expert 07/23 by UFO Think Tank | Blog Talk Radio
Another great show guys with a fascinating guest.

First off, thanks very much for asking my question, having the ability to ask people of this calibre questions is amazing and greatly appreciated.

Secondly, apologies if I came off condescending. My point was not to dis you guys, the thing I was trying to get across is that there are many interesting current cases to research that have the advantage of modern data capture, field investigation, current memories, and represent the state of phenomena as it exists today. In my opinion we'll never get to the bottom of Roswell, Aztec, or any of the decades old cases -- people are dying off, memories fade, and unless someone comes forward with hard evidence it will always be someone's story vs someone else's story. It's human nature to be fascinated what one researcher says vs another, but I doubt focusing on the researcher's stories will advance the field any.

Besides, I don't think looking at old (and cold cases) will help attract younger people's attention to the field. I can only use myself as an example... I'm an interested, open minded, honest skeptic with enough strange experiences to be fascinated. Modern investigations using the latest technology may help bring some actual answers, instead of opinions. And kudos to Chris for going for real, and current data. In my opinion, this is what's going to drive the field forward and attract younger people to it than arguing about what a 60 year old case may or may not have been.

As to all newer cases being boring and "just lights in the sky" here's some potentially interesting ones:
2006 - O'hare
2010 - An unidentified flying object (UFO) forced Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to cease operations on July 7.
2010 - Harbour Mille Incident in the Canadian Maritimes -- this one has RCMP involvement
...etc, etc. If we put 1% of the resources that have been deployed on Roswell onto any one or all of the current -- and interesting -- cases, perhaps we could come up with something?

One last point: abductions aren't real because they don't fit with the theory that e.t.'s are here doing genetic experiments? C'mon... throwing reports out because they don't fit the theories is something we usually criticize the scientific establishment of doing.
There are load of good UFO events but 'cases' are rarer in that to me that means something investigated.
I know there is an awful lot of crap UFO videos on youtube but there are also some very interesting vids. I do not think 100% of them are fake and of those left, some may be really unidentified.
AnonymousFO.com keeps up to date videos by month. It claims to check the vids as much as it can. To have any first filter like that can only be good and help prevent the waste of breath/time that fake UFO videos are.
@Apolcalypto - I stumbled on 'The Kate Valentine Show' a while back and I may still listen if I really like the guest or a guest's book etc.

I am sure you have worked out for yourself however that Kate has zero spam filter active. She routinely cites Billy Meier, Stan Romanek, Steven Greer etc - need I say more!
I don't think for a nanosecond that Kate is in any way deceptive or not caring, it's just that she believes anything she is told by a guest.

Stan Romanek..........oh my god
Still find Mr Robert Hasting book as one of the best evidence of some thing strange is going on is it so called UFO? who knows but it scary prospect that who ? ever can manipulate so called Nuclear Weapons could have the human race in a sticky spot indeed?
One last point: abductions aren't real because they don't fit with the theory that e.t.'s are here doing genetic experiments? C'mon... throwing reports out because they don't fit the theories is something we usually criticize the scientific establishment of doing.

I've never cared much for Randle's take on abductions. His premises are so rooted in the ETH, which itself is so rooted on 50's-60's Sci-Fi, no wonder he's only interested in crashed saucers.

Maybe people get abducted because aliens like to torture people.

Or maybe, just maybe, because the abduction operations are more related to ritualistic initiation ceremonies than with medical or scientific procedures.
Abduction thing is questionable ! having experienced strange awareness could it be dreams, spiritual, nature, electrical interference for everyday living gizmos? Who knows and no one has the answers. Humanity and its fellow creatures is in one playground of discovery where thinking is one step and understanding is another.