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Killer Nuns From Outer Space!

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Posey Gilbert

Paranormal Maven
One of the main reasons that it is often postulated for the "need" of a UFO cover-up is the occurrence of panic because of the Orson Wells radio production of War Of The Worlds.
Now let us suppose that, that story instead of being about evil murderous Martians coming to commit genocide and conquer the Earth, instead was about a group of beings coming to Earth to put an end to wars, starvation and disease.
Would that panic have occurred?
I doubt it.
So why should that case be used as a test case for the human reaction to visitations from other worlds?
Would not the same panic happen back then if reports came over the radio that a group of Nuns had come from the sky in flying wafers and were killing people with their laser powered rosaries and death ray shooting crucifixes?
What panicked the populous back then was not that these beings were said to have come from another world but, the way these beings were depicted.
I use nuns here not to smear or cast dispersions on the Catholics, but only because Nuns had always been to me the best representation of loving and gentle people.
But then I've never went to Catholic School.
Frankly any one or any thing could be substituted for the Martians and the out come would have been the same blinding fear.
Would it not?
Had that tale been written the other way around the clogging of the city streets would have come from people rushing into the cities to meet the Martians.
It was all and is all about perspectives how these beings are presented to the public.
Because this story was a horror story about hostile monsters from another world and it was mistaken as a real event, fear and panic was the results.
That same fear and panic became the selling point for most of the movies and stories about alien contact and it has become ingrained within us, and to quote Hamlet, "Aye.... There's the rub."
I myself even though I went through a transformation still at my core fear these beings what ever they are where ever they come from even though they have always returned me physically unharmed.
My trauma came about from those space monster movies that I still love to this day, and how I was treated by those that I tried to tell about my experiences.
True this does not dismiss the cases where people and their families have been physically injured or mentally scarred by their encounters.
I am sure that the same has happened to animals that we have captured and studied over the years, and will happen to those that we meet when/if we ever get to be a space voyaging species.
Heck we all have heard of or have had earth doctors mess up during medical exams and operations too.
I got that to thank for my missing leg.
So why shouldn't we expect any less from those from other places in our universe?
What may be at the root of our fear is that we fear that they may be more like us than we are comfortable with?
We expect that their intentions are as ours.
We know that when or if we ever become a space fairing people our conquest, planetary rape, and species extinction will continue on other worlds, just as it was done on ours.
No, we do not fear that they will be different from us, but just like us.
All that having been said, they still scare the hell out of me, but I do not know if it is fear of their appearance, or fear of their intent.
In my life I have met deformed and horribly disfigured humans that invoked the same reactions from me until I got use to their appearance, or to know them on a personal bases.
I can't say it will be the same with these entities, but I do think this should be taken into account by the media and the government.
It was because of propaganda that many Japanese women, committed suicide at the approach of the terrible American troops.
It was the American propaganda that saturated the war movies of the late 40s and 50s that made it take most of my life to come to trust Japanese men or any other men of Asian descent.
I had for a long time wondered how I could so love a culture, and recognize the beauty of the women but could not come to grips with a hatred that raged into me at the sight of the males of their people.
Then it came to me one day as I was watching one of those old war movies.
With that realization I decided that I would no longer watch these movies for I did not like being manipulated by what I saw in them.
Just as it did/does the Asians the propaganda secreted in movies, books, jokes, tabloids, and the popular media in general also did the same to the Native Americans, Germans, Italians, Arabs, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and poor whites.
The propaganda from the early years still places an unfair burden on the backs of Abductees and Experiencers alike.
We are the butt end of cruel jokes and commercials, as in the commercial that asks,
"If aliens are so smart why do they abduct stupid people?"
What has this got to do with anything they are selling?
The object is not to sell anything but a point of view of those that are behind the cover-up.
Well, threatening them didn't work, ignoring them didn't work, lying to them didn't work, harassing them didn't work, so lets make them the laughing stock of the world.
Let us make excellent movies and hoaxes and incorporate in them real facts and footage.
Lets leak half truths and blacked out documents.
Let us only give it to some and not to all like that they will fight among themselves and start discrediting each other.
Then once enough have come forward and signed on to these ideas and documents lets expose it as a hoax and discredit them all in one blow.
This has happen so many times over and over again so much so as to still keep most real Experiencers silent about their experiences and encounters.
That is my fear about all of this hoopla over the discloser project.
I am happy to hear and read about it, but in truth I do not have a need for, or care if the governments of the world do or do not give "Full Discloser" about the truth of UFOs and ETs.
I already know the truth.
Although I doubt that any government will ever completely do so.
Still I hope that they will do so.
If for no other reason than to get this nonsense over with.
That way we as a race can start to speak openly about these matters, as it is necessary to do for the full truth to come out and be known to all.
Otherwise we all will forever remain trapped in the darkness of our own fears and slaves of our prejudices.
We know that when or if we ever become a space fairing people our conquest, planetary rape, and species extinction will continue on other worlds, just as it was done on ours.

Personally i hope this is the ultimate litmus test, that unless a species learns the value of balance and good management, it wipes itself out before it get to an interplanetary stage .

In a nonplanetary environment ie space ship, one has to live within ones means, you cannot overtax the system, or borrow from the future.

Everything must be planned, and budgeted, and one must live within that budget. If the onboard resources have been calculated to support a population of X until the next reprovisioning point, then doubling X will result in the death of all at approx halfway to the destination/re provisioning point.

i used this quote yesterday but it serves as an example here too

Water tables are falling on every continent. Aquifer depletion is a new problem. Water tables are falling from the over-pumping of groundwater in large portions of China, India, Iran, Mexico, the Middle East, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. India has the highest volume of annual groundwater overdraft of any nation in the world. In most parts of the country, water mining is taking place at twice the rate of natural recharge, causing aquifer water tables to drop by 3 to 10 feet per year. This enormous shift from sustainable water use to over-mining began when farmers changed from having oxen withdraw the water from a well, to using electric or diesel-driven motors.

If you use the water at twice the rate its replenished....... if you over mine your water resource.......

Do that on the closed system of a spacecraft..... well its not rocket science is it

The earth is so big its easy to forget it too is a closed system

An unexpectedly abrupt decline in the supply of water for China's
farmers poses a rising threat to world food security. China depends on
irrigated land to produce 70 percent of the grain for its huge
population of 1.2 billion people, but it is drawing more and more of
that water to supply the needs of its fast-growing cities and
industries. As rivers run dry and aquifers are depleted, the emerging
water shortages could sharply raise the country's demand for grain
imports, pushing the world's total import needs beyond exportable

Any major threat to China's food self-sufficiency, if not addressed by
strong new measures, would likely push up world grain prices, creating
social and political instabilities in Third World cities-as previous
WORLD WATCH articles have pointed out (see commentary). New information
on the deteriorating water situation has confirmed the imminence of this
possibility. The challenge now facing the Chinese government is how to
meet the soaring water needs of its swelling urban and industrial
sectors without undermining both its own agriculture and the world's
food security.
China water 1

This is a classic example, china is borrowing from the future, pumping out more water to feed its massive population faster than it is replaced, eventually the credit will run out when the water is all gone.
And there is a knock on effect, it will push up world grain prices causing starvation in third world countrys.
I watched a Doco yesterday that stated the world grain storage is at 50 days...... we have enough grain stored to feed the world for just 50 days if all grain production stopped.

Learning to live within our means here, is the test. if we fail it, we wont be going anywhere
Personally i hope this is the ultimate litmus test, that unless a species learns the value of balance and good management, it wipes itself out before it get to an interplanetary stage .

In a nonplanetary environment ie space ship, one has to live within ones means, you cannot overtax the system, or borrow from the future.

Everything must be planned, and budgeted, and one must live within that budget. If the onboard resources have been calculated to support a population of X until the next reprovisioning point, then doubling X will result in the death of all at approx halfway to the destination/re provisioning point.

i used this quote yesterday but it serves as an example here too

If you use the water at twice the rate its replenished....... if you over mine your water resource.......

Do that on the closed system of a spacecraft..... well its not rocket science is it

The earth is so big its easy to forget it too is a closed system

China water 1

This is a classic example, china is borrowing from the future, pumping out more water to feed its massive population faster than it is replaced, eventually the credit will run out when the water is all gone.
And there is a knock on effect, it will push up world grain prices causing starvation in third world countrys.
I watched a Doco yesterday that stated the world grain storage is at 50 days...... we have enough grain stored to feed the world for just 50 days if all grain production stopped.

Learning to live within our means here, is the test. if we fail it, we wont be going anywhere

Right on point again Mike.​
Earth is a spaceship, a very big spaceship though.​
However most people can't see that, while others don't care to hear about it.​
It may be too late already despite what we do now.​
I tend to agree, Individuals lack the will, Biological imperitive seems to overide logic where population growth is concerned.
China enacted a policy to address their growth problem, but i doubt we will see that happen in a democratic system, people will think and vote for their own self interest first.

As such i dont see us fixing the problem ourselves, right now we are failing the test.

Another ice age or similar might cause is to retake the course and try again, but its sad, we should be capable of addressing this now
We should be, and there are still a few bright spots on the horizon, but all in all, humanity is , as a whole, not worth saving. I guess we'll take care of that ourselves.