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Kudos on the Lawrence R. Spencer Show

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Paranormal Novice
Gene and David,

Hopefully you read this. Just wanted to give you a thumbs up on your recent show with Lawrence R. Spencer as your guest. Like you guys, I'm fascinated in all areas of the paranormal (aliens and UFO's-be it terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in particular). Also like you guys, I'm looking for answers. I just wanna know what's going on. One thing that absolutely drives me bonkers are claims from individuals that cant be backed up or loss of evidence (unfortunately like your last guest who intentionally destroyed evidence....grrrrrr!)

Anyway, your show with Mr. Spencer was the best episode I've heard so far. I downloaded on my Ipod. When I read the episode description, I was hoping for some in depth convo on this "interview". However I found the direction of your questions to this "author" much more entertaining. The reason I listen to you guys every week is because you are doing the things and asking the questions that no one else will. I really appreciate that. I feel you really put it to Mr. Spencer. I could picture him on the other end of the line fidgeting and sqirming in his seat (not trying to be mean here btw). This guy needed to have these questions asked of him. Had he been able to provide better, more intelligent answers, he'd have something. However he ended up, in my opinion, as being another one of those quacks out there. Y'know, the ones with, "I have picture but cannot show you at this time" or "For $25 I can tell you about my anal probe experience in my new book".

I'm just tired of these jokers. And I also agree with your statements about Roswell. It has become to "pop-cultured". Time to move on. Anyways, I am sure you are aware of the recent statement made by former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell. I hope you are trying to get him on. I would love to listen to that line of questioning! I do feel Dr. Mitchell is a great American and may be able to provide credible answers (I hope).

Again, I just wanted to give you props on your most recent episode. Keep up the good fight guys! Rest assured I'll be listening to you here here in Walton KY every Sunday night!

Jason Chambers
[email protected]
However he ended up, in my opinion, as being another one of those quacks out there. Y'know, the ones with, "I have picture but cannot show you at this time" or "For $25 I can tell you about my anal probe experience in my new book".
I'd disagree the fellow totally didn't sound like a quack, and explained the reason why he felt why he had the book published. Its a shame that the epz didn't dive more into the content on the book there was enough time to do so. Edit - gee - zzz Art art where'd i put my speed zzz
I'd disagree the fellow totally didn't sound like a quack, and explained the reason why he felt why he had the book published. Its a shame that the epz didn't dive more into the content on the book there was enough time to do so.
Another point of view, expressed in our forums, is that he had the book published as a tricky way to spread his Scientology beliefs, and he did admit long ago that he was a Scientologist.

When I asked him about this in an email recently, I got a generic automated response from his site, and haven't heard from him since. I think the jig is up as far as he's concerned.
I just popped into his website, and from my small amount i know about Scientology I guess I can see a relationship pretty easily throwing that into the mix. I guess its lucky the show didn't go into the content.
Since discovering The Paracast a few months ago I've been working my way through the archives. I just listened to the 7/27/2008 show dealing with the Alien Interview book. This had me laughing out loud. When he started talking about how you can't publish a book anonymously and displaying total ignorance of copyright law, it was just too funny. It's hard to believe that he could be that ignorant on so many topics, you had to wonder if he was faking it, but I don't think he was. One of you would mention something that should be part of the tribal knowledge of anyone interested in the UFO field and you would have to explain it to him. I'm sure it was painful at the time for the panel of interviewers but I got a good laugh out of it.

Thanks for all the good work Gene and David
Last year I bought a small electronic device that is known as a PDA. Since then I have downloaded many articles, e-books (mainly from scribd.com), and have bulldozed my way through astonishingly mad and crap stuff: a few being the "Dulce Book" (which I think was cobbled together from articles from books, the web etc), a boat load of Montauk gibberish, Nazi UFO madness etc etc etc..

One of the few books I have downloaded which I couldn't finish was ... yep, you guessed it rightly my friend, the "Alien Interview" book.

Absolutely barnstormingly badly written and confusing in the extreme, I deem it to be the gold standard of barking mad alien literature.

Of course, I could be wrong ... but somehow I don't think so :p