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Lakota Activists Declare Independence from US

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Skilled Investigator
"A group of Lakota activists have declared independence from the United States. They intend to withdraw from existing treaty agreements and establish a Lakota country that would issue its own passports and drivers' licenses.

Citing total frustration with a "colonial apartheid system imposed on the Lakota Sioux" that has produced incomprehensibly high levels of infant mortality, Tuberculosis, poverty, unemployment, and teenage suicide amongst the Lakota people, the proposed new country would exist independent of the United States and require its citizens to renounce their American citizenship.

This provocative declaration will likely have significant implications for Aboriginal people throughout North America, many of whom have been mired in slow-moving treaty negotiations and become increasingly frustrated with a perceived lack of progress or substantive improvement in their communities."

Here is a link to the whole article:


What do people think of this?
I fail to see how this will help any of the factors they have listed. I grew up in Oklahoma and I can say that if you have never visited a reservation, your arent missing much. The housing is in in shambles, the vast majority of the people are well below the poverty line and most have either very menial jobs or are jobless. The reservation education system is crap. There are plenty of in state assistance programs for higer education in about every state. Out of state gets a little more difficult but still doable.

I have no idea how to fix the issues they have there. But, removing themselves from the US is probably not the answer to their problems. On the other hand, if anyone has the right to nullify a treaty with the US government, it is the Native Americans.
I fail to see how this will help any of their problems either, but atleast their doing something, perhaps if they leave the US they will be able to rejoin with a better deal.