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Last night

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paranormal master
I debated whether or not to post this. But here goes any way.

Last night on the way home (to clarify, I live around here and drive the same route to work and home every day so I am familiar with my surroundings during the day and at night) I saw Three very bright lights lit up in a row. I freaked out. my first thought was omg are they gonna land that jet on the highway? I started looking to see if there were any close roads or field entrances I could get off the road with, (anything but a ditch) Then when I looked back there were 2 lights and they dissappeared.

Ok, that was weird , but then I saw some jets flying in from the left. But that didn't strike me as strange right away either cuz they constantly run maneuvers over our area.

what put all the strange together was then I looked to the right and
the bright lights ( i could only see two this time) were there again.
It looked like several smaller lights flew out of them and then the bright lights disapeared again.

Did I mention that at some point I pulled off the road onto a field outlet (about the time I was looking for a road out of there, right after the lights dissapeared the first time. ) I was very confused at that point. so I just wanted to see what was going on.

Any way I contiued home, called my husband to tell him what happened.
(big mistake). He totaly didn't believe me and didn't know why I was upset and pretty much called me insane.

I never said it was aliens, he just assumed that's what I meant. I just didn't know what I was seeing and that was enough to upset me. It was just so confusing, the whole thing. And it all happened in a matter or minutes.
When I got home you could hear the jets off in a distance over toward a bigger town in the area. and once in a while they would get closer.

It was a very clear night , not a cloud in the sky.

some of you would be wondering , how in the dark do you see military jets.
Well , like I said they do meneuvers around our area alot.
They fly so much faster than passenger planes it's actually easy to pick them out if your used to seeing them.

What is really cool is when they light up thier light bars.
that's not what I saw either by the way, that also looks different.

Alot of times you hear them first so you just start to scan for them.
last night i did not hear them i just happened to look in the right place at the right time. I was scanning the sky cuz the other lights dissapeared.

My husband was really upset about it. I ended up leaving until he went to bed . He really does not believe in this stuff and he doen't want me to either. I wish it were that easy. He just wanted me to admit that the lights I saw were like combines in the field or something. I said ya could have been, (IF THEY FLY).

It makes me so mad. If I said I saw a guy in a red shirt and a ball cap shoot a bunch of people would he say "Are you sure it wasn't a clown handing out balloons?)
like because you see something out of the ordinary it must be something else. something to make everyone else a little more comfortable.
All of a suddend someone you trust with your life is not telling the truth or unreliable or just plain nuts. I was so frustrated.
I don't know what it was. I just know I was filled with a sense of urgency, like. omg what should i do. should I be doing something? Or just hide?
I don't know, what ever i guess.:frown:
How insulting for your husband to respond that way to you. Has he had a scary UFO experience in the past? Is he stressed out about other things ? Does he work on top secret aircraft and you happen to spot one?

Anyway I hope you work it out with him. I would be pissed too.
Questions for BSValley:

1) you wrote, early on in your posting: "I saw Three very bright lights lit up in a row. I freaked out." Why were you freaked out? Just from lights?

2) You follow that up with: "my first thought was omg are they gonna land that jet on the highway?" Was it that threatening, like they would hit your car? Just curious.

3) You wrote: "I was very confused at that point." Was it because the lights were unusual, or some other feeling?

4) Why are you posting this on the paracast site? How did you end up here? The reason I ask is because this is a forum frequented by people (quite often) with a lot of interest in paranormal events. I'm curious if that matches you?

thanks for the posting.
Wow, what an interesting experience!

My husband's not too far off from yours in terms of not being too interested if I told him of seeing one....

He believes in them, just not that interested in spending much time thinking/reasearching about them.::)

Yet HE (and his father) actually saw a very large UFO one night, here in the Midwest a couple years ago, BUT he refuses to let me tell it in detail to anyone....go figure.

The only way my hubby would stop and take real notice is if it were like Day The Earth Stood Still or something, sheesh.

That's a shame that your husband got so upset at you, thank goodness for forums like The Paracast, etc to share our stories with, huh?

Wow, what an interesting experience!

My husband's not too far off from yours in terms of not being too interested if I told him of seeing one....

He believes in them, just not that interested in spending much time thinking/reasearching about them.::)

Yet HE (and his father) actually saw a very large UFO one night, here in the Midwest a couple years ago, BUT he refuses to let me tell it in detail to anyone....go figure.

The only way my hubby would stop and take real notice is if it were like Day The Earth Stood Still or something, sheesh.

That's a shame that your husband got so upset at you, thank goodness for forums like The Paracast, etc to share our stories with, huh?


This is one of the most disturbing aspects of this thing that I've seen. I have been in broad daylight, with multiple other witnesses, while there was a huge cigar-shaped UFO in plain view, and nobody would even look at it. Not only that, they would get very irritated if I tried to make them look at it. The level of denial involved seems completely unnatural to me.
Questions for BSValley:

1) you wrote, early on in your posting: "I saw Three very bright lights lit up in a row. I freaked out." Why were you freaked out? Just from lights?

2) You follow that up with: "my first thought was omg are they gonna land that jet on the highway?" Was it that threatening, like they would hit your car? Just curious.

3) You wrote: "I was very confused at that point." Was it because the lights were unusual, or some other feeling?

4) Why are you posting this on the paracast site? How did you end up here? The reason I ask is because this is a forum frequented by people (quite often) with a lot of interest in paranormal events. I'm curious if that matches you?

thanks for the posting.

1) you answered your own question with 2). not to be snotty but why else would I be freaked out if I didn't think I or possibly vehicles coming behind me weren't in danger

3) wouldn't you be confused if you saw what you thought to a jet airliner about to land on a highway? or at least concerned. oh and then the lights just dissapear.

4) i've had a few things happen but not like others here
One more question.

Was there anything not normal about the time you got home that night? Did the drive take the same time as usual?

Just curious.

Hi Bsvalley,

Firstly, thanks for sharing your experience. :)

Just to clarify, were the 3 lights static or strobing in the way a normal aircraft would? Were they white lights or coloured? did the 3 lights appear to make any sound?

It sounds like you know enough about the normal air traffic in your area to find this a strange experience and im surprised at the reaction from your husband (basing it only upon my own wife's acceptance of my interest in "paranormal" topics)
First of all to answer the question for fruitloop that I never saw before. No. the lights were steady. The lights on the jets were strobing.

I have an update on the sighting in my area. Ok, turns out I wasn't the only one to see this thing.
I don't know about anyone else here but I don't like to go around broadcasting much to do with this subject.
It feels kind of cowardly but I have my reasons. I am in a position where I need to be taken seriously most of the time. I know in this small town If I started to talk about this kind of thing, We'll just say anyone taking me serious from that point forward would be out the window.

My son and I were in the local meat market. He was wearing a Roswell shirt his father (ex-husband) had gotten him. One of the older men that works at the meat market noticed the shirt.

He started asking my son if he believed in that stuff and before he could answer the guy starts going on about how this fall he saw this bright
light over town and some jets going nuts.

I should have said something, but I couldn't. There were so many people around and judging from thier reactions to the man I didn't want to ask him anything right then and there.

I am going to go back and ask him more questions. At that point I'm not going to ask him to keep it quite or anything because I don't think it would be fair to confirm what he saw then just leave him hanging. (again).

Anyway he got called back to help a costomer.

Can anyone think of any questions they would want me to ask as long as I am diving in. I'm not a natural born interviewer by any means so any help would be great. That and I'm sure there will be questions that come to mind when I talk to him.

First I am going to try and get him to narrow it down as close as possible to the day. Maybe we saw it on the same day. who knows.
I want to find out where he was exactly. and what time of day it was.
was anyone one with him. I'm going to jack some of mikes questions too if that's alright.
Indeed you observed something for you was unusual. Thanks for the story.

It's unfortunate your husband is bullheaded on the topic. I know people like this and just leave them out of the loop. But then again their not a spouse.

Best of luck. :)
Indeed you observed something for you was unusual. Thanks for the story.

It's unfortunate your husband is bullheaded on the topic. I know people like this and just leave them out of the loop. But then again their not a spouse.

Best of luck. :)
oh, I know. and after I told him about the guy in the meat locker all he did was poke fun at me for not talking to the guy. He could see it himself and not believe it.
What you described sounds like lights my brother and I saw over the course of about a week some 14 years ago or so, and I think we were not far from where you are located, actually. A string of very bright lights would appear, sometimes 3 in a row, other times up to 5 or 6. They were visible for about 5 or so seconds, then they'd just wink out. Then, another line would appear in the same part of the sky (south-southwest), then sometimes a third or fourth. Then the same thing would appear again a couple nights later.

Anyway, it turned out to be nothing more than flares from Air National Guard jets that were flying some sorts of exercises out of Camp Douglas.

But, then again, that might not have been it at all. Wish I knew.

I do know what you are referring to. We do have jet activity here as well. And I have seen alot of the stuff they do including flares, light bar signal at dusk. I Even had one fly over head upside down and I could see him in his seat. (or her).
This wasn't anything like that. See that's what makes this so easy for Debunkers. If there is possibly any other explanation they can use it to say The event is something else or it never happened.
If you see a dog walk across the street does someone say, "Are you sure it wasn't a big Cat" I mean I wasn't there but it could have been a big cat.
Just because you "think" you saw a dog doesn't mean you saw a dog.

Why bother reporting anything anymore because if you don't have it on video You didn't really see it. If you do have it on video it's probly a fake or something else.
If you have witnesses you had a mass delusion.
so I guess what's the point.:frown:
"jpw.in.wi" simply asked you a legitimate question. Why are you responding in such a way? Are you that stressed out about the incident?
I guess it just gets frustrating trying to prove something no one else saw.
I really don't have anything to gain by trying to convince others Of what I saw when I'm not even sure what I saw. I know what I didn't see though.
and I didn't see flares. I guess that was the point in talking to the other guy in town that saw it too. Which, I still haven't done, for the fact that I just really am questioning how much it even matters if I he saw the same thing because someone else will always think it's flares or what not.

If people would go back and read the whole thread, I was very clear about the whole thing.
The jets came through after the lights, not before. And as far as responding in "such a way". yes it is stressful and frustrating and all kinds of other emotions. I just want to make sense of my surroundings like everyone else.
I guess it just gets frustrating trying to prove something no one else saw.
I really don't have anything to gain by trying to convince others Of what I saw when I'm not even sure what I saw. I know what I didn't see though.
and I didn't see flares. I guess that was the point in talking to the other guy in town that saw it too. Which, I still haven't done, for the fact that I just really am questioning how much it even matters if I he saw the same thing because someone else will always think it's flares or what not.

If people would go back and read the whole thread, I was very clear about the whole thing.
The jets came through after the lights, not before. And as far as responding in "such a way". yes it is stressful and frustrating and all kinds of other emotions. I just want to make sense of my surroundings like everyone else.
You can't let this stuff gnaw on you. It will if you let it. I understand your frustration, but don't hold your breath waiting for answers. It seems to me that the deeper one digs for answers on this subject, the more questions arise. It can drive one to insanity. A finely honed 6th sense of humor comes in handy when treading this turf.
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All of us seasoned 'experiencer's know exactly how you feel if that helps any.

It is too bad we live in a culture, generally speaking, where we can't openly discuss these things in public without fear of ridicule. I would guess that behind your husband's ridicule is a fear that he may not be able to admit to you or himself that involves how he could/should protect you as your husband.