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Leslie Kean's Call For a UFO Office - My Opinion Why It Won't Happen

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Paranormal Novice
I’ve been a long time listener to the Paracast but this is my first post to the Forums – I hope I’m not beating a dead horse here and I apologize if I ramble a bit.

I’m currently reading Leslie Kean’s book “Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record” – specifically Chapter 24 where she calls for a UFO office to be created by government in the United States to investigate UFO sightings and coordinate investigations amongst scientists, government officials, the public and presumably the military.

In my opinion this will never occur unless there is major public pressure to create such an office.

On the topic of extraterrestrial life the 1960 Brookings Report is often referred to, specifically the following quote: “"It has been speculated that, of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures [sic] Advanced understanding of nature might vitiate all our theories at the very least, if not also require a culture and perhaps a brain inaccessible to earth scientists." In my opinion, again, this is incorrect because the most devastated “group” will be the economy.

If anything has been illustrated from the most recent global financial meltdown is how events in once country (USA, Iceland, Greece, Portugal) on have huge impacts on the global economy. I am being facetious but it seems every time there is a fire in a garbage bin at a refinery in the mid east then the oil prices go up. Now imagine such a UFO office finds and shares scientifically irrefutable evidence that advanced technologies are visiting Earth. How would the economy, financiers and speculators react to it?

  • Advanced technologies, of which nothing in our possession matches it, means that many things we have today or are being developed are very likely to be instantly obsolete (e.g. electronics, computers, aircraft, energy ….)
  • Monies invested in these “old” technologies are all in jeopardy and many will become worthless. These advanced technologies may be introduced in the immediate or near future – will the operators of these advanced technologies share them? The financiers and speculators will be very uneasy in continuing investment until they determine what the future will hold
  • The rest you can probably figure out yourself - likely massive layoffs in the technology sector, leading to layoffs in other sectors via economic ripple effects
  • Many governments have very little wiggle room at this point when it comes to reacting to economic downturns as there is less and less money available to spend out of a situation and interest rates are already so low they can’t be lowered any more to help stimulate things

This does not even tie in the effects of contact or even common knowledge and acceptance of these advanced technologies amongst society at large would have (e.g. religion, culture).

I'm wondering if anyone else had thoughts on this? I never read or heard anywhere where someone tied in the economy directly to this topic.