The other night I had an old wire that goes from my circuit breaker box to the meter reader that started arcing. I had to call the power company to come out and turn off the power till I could get it replaced. I'm confident my dog did not know about the arcing wire- she wouldn't have been able to see the occasional flashes of light from it. But my dog started acting the exact same way she does during a lightning storm- panting and turning into a nervous wreck and getting right up beside me. Could lightning and that arcing wire both generate something similar- like an electromagnetic field? Is that what she is reacting to? She only freaks out during lightning- not rain. And I don't think it's the loud noises associated with lightning that bother her because where I live is rural and we often hear things like the gunshots of hunters. This is a very specific behavior which I've only noticed during lightning storms and the other night. Once the power was turned off to the house she did fine.