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Livestock falling ill in fracking regions

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
[If there is an environmental component to the cattle mutilation phenomenon, perhaps we will soon see a wave of mutes in and around fracking locations... just a thought.. —chris]

Livestock falling ill in fracking regions, raising concerns about food
Article HERE:
While scientists have yet to isolate cause and effect, many suspect chemicals used in drilling and hydrofracking (or "fracking") operations are poisoning animals through the air, water, or soil.

Last year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca, New York, veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first and only peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals.

The authors compiled 24 case studies of farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive, and acute gastrointestinal problems after being exposed—either accidentally or incidentally—to fracking chemicals in the water or air. The article, published in New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, describes how scores of animals died over the course of several years.

The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.

Exposed livestock "are making their way into the food system, and it's very worrisome to us," Bamberger says. "They live in areas that have tested positive for air, water, and soil contamination. Some of these chemicals could appear in milk and meat products made from these animals."

In Louisiana, 17 cows died after an hour's exposure to spilled fracking fluid, which is injected miles underground to crack open and release pockets of natural gas. The most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.

In New Mexico, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed near well pads found petroleum residues in 54 of 56 animals.

In northern central Pennsylvania, 140 cattle were exposed to fracking wastewater when an impoundment was breached. Approximately 70 cows died, and the remainder produced only 11 calves, of which three survived.

In western Pennsylvania, an overflowing wastewater pit sent fracking chemicals into a pond and a pasture where pregnant cows grazed: Half their calves were born dead. Dairy operators in shale-gas areas of Colorado, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Texas have also reported the death of goats. REST OF ARTICLE HERE:
I can't say that this surprises me at all, I've seen a couple documentaries on fracking and the effects on humans who live near fracking operations is so bad, with people going blind, getting cancer, and being able to light the water from their faucet on fire due to the chemicals seeping into their water supply, it's no wonder that it's terrible for the animals as well. Combine that with the fact that fracking is suspected of causing the upsurge in earthquakes here in Ohio and around the nation and imo we need to think very carefully, and maybe find a cleaner, more eco friendly way of mining natural gas.