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Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that evolution is myth

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WOW I am just absolutely mind boggled.
Ignorance, and those pushing it, no know bounds.
This isn't really happening is it?
This can't be real. I tried to find 'onion' in the url, please tell me that is not what actually is going on, US Forum Members ? Also, 'then Darwinism is fatally flawed.' .
the article if from a dumb ass UK publisher that makes it seem like all schools are teaching this crap when in fact...

Pupils attending privately-run Christian schools...
I actually remember when the Coelacanth thing first came up, don't know the exact year, was it '86 '87 (not googling right now)?

Was a wee 'lad' then with my mind full of Dinosaurs and Action figures.


As in a living one found , the coast off South Africa. The german Name is funnier by the way, 'Quastenflosser'.
Hm, only one I would put any stock in is probably 'Mokele-mbembe '. (can't watch the vid due to it being a copyright issue over here I guess.)
for the record im not sure about loch ness but im open to the idea that something survied. maybe a dinosaur but who knows.
the article if from a dumb ass UK publisher that makes it seem like all schools are teaching this crap when in fact...
Yes very true I read that myself and do realize that not all schools would teach this... :-)

My shock I guess was that anyone would teach this at all.. The Christian schools where I live would be shut down and investigated for that sort of carry on faster than you can say "Jesus Christ!"

Anyway it is still retarded as far as I am concerned .. but then again if you can make kids believe a man walked on water, came back from the dead and that all your sin are thanks to a rib women who got talked into eating a magical fruit by a talking snake ... then hey you will believe anything :-))
It is indeed retarded. What's next? Will they trot out Bigfoot as further proof that evolution is bunk? It really does amaze me the lengths people will go to hang on to their delusional belief systems, especially when there is basically zero evidence for any of their claims.
Are you telling me a Battle Owl is not real also?

It is indeed retarded. What's next? Will they trot out Bigfoot as further proof that evolution is bunk? It really does amaze me the lengths people will go to hang on to their delusional belief systems, especially when there is basically zero evidence for any of their claims.

While I don't disagree with that statement, I have to say you rarely see sentiment ( at least in my experiences) expressed when it comes to discussing aboriginal dreamtime or maori legends or native american legends, it's almost like there is a divide, a "no-go zone". granted in our past the christian missionaries did and still do go out of their way to convert those who have a different faith system but outside of that group of people it seems whenever we (generally, not pointing fingers here) talk of native aboriginal beliefs we consider them quaint and call them legends, it seems only fair we should afford the same privilege to those who follow christian values, imperfect as they are. And should anyone point out some of the misdeeds that these carriers of christian values did over the centuries can you honestly say that all the native peoples' at the time were staunch advocates of the golden rule ?