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Long John Nebel- show suggestion

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Paranormal Novice
Listening to the latest show right now. Was so happy to hear some discussion of Long John Nebel. He was way (way way) before my time, but I just read his incredibly entertaining memoir, The Way Out World of Long John Nebel.

Nebel had a lot of these contactees on his show and discusses them in his book. It would be great to have a show dedicated to him as a figure in the world of paranormal/UFO exploration.
I collect Long John shows and love them so much. He was such a great showman, now forgotten. Larry King took Long John's place on the Mutual Network (if it was called that then).


We covered part of this when we did a segment with Bill Birnes about Long John's wife, Candy Jones, who allegedly became a CIA mole while under mind control. But exploring Long John and his influence on the field is actually a neat idea.

That's so cool. Do you recall what episode it was that discussed Candy Jones?

Did you ever meet him (Nebel)? You seem to have met everyone else.

---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ----------


Where do you get the shows? Did listeners record them? Can you buy copies on ebay? I'm intrigued.
Best thing to do is search the episodes featuring Birnes. :)

Yes I met Long John. He was a difficult and temperamental personality, to put it mildly. Jim Moseley knew him far better and would be invited on such an episode. I have other guests in mind. :)
I'll definitely search the Bill Birnes episodes.

I'm not surprised that Nebel was difficult. Sounds like Keel. And a lot of these guys.

I'm super excited that you're considering a Nebel themed show. His book was a total hoot. Loved it.
I collect Long John shows and love them so much. He was such a great showman, now forgotten. Larry King took Long John's place on the Mutual Network (if it was called that then).


Hi Lance,

This is actually my first post! When you posted that you collect Long John Nebel shows, I had to respond. I have been trying to get my hands on as many of his shows as possible - I'm a huge fan of his. I remember my parents listening to him, and I used to do so as well (when I could stay up late). But, I've rediscovered him and am now a collector. Can you recommend any resources to download or purchase his shows?


P.S. - Gene, I think it's an absolutely fantastic idea to do a show about Long John!!
Hi Lance,

This is actually my first post! When you posted that you collect Long John Nebel shows, I had to respond. I have been trying to get my hands on as many of his shows as possible - I'm a huge fan of his. I remember my parents listening to him, and I used to do so as well (when I could stay up late). But, I've rediscovered him and am now a collector. Can you recommend any resources to download or purchase his shows?


P.S. - Gene, I think it's an absolutely fantastic idea to do a show about Long John!!

I am going to have to locate the right guests for this. Certainly Jim Moseley will play a part.
Gene et al.,

I would love to hear a show on LJN. I started listening to him when I was ten (I'd read a Jean Shepherd article in MAD magazine in summer camp, became a rabid Shepherd fan, and discovered Long John in the process). Long John's show was my introduction to this whole paranormal world--Adamski and Van Tassel, deros and teros, mediums and magicians, carnies and con men and all the rest. It was in many ways my real education, especially since one of the results of my addiction was being half-awake though most of junior high and high school. The Way Out World was one of the first books I ran out and bought (at Brentano's on Fifth Avenue) as soon as it was published. Talk radio after him has never been the same.

My paranormal interests had been in abeyance for years until news of the death of John Keel brought me to the Paracast. I've listened to every program, some more than once. And while nothing and no one can ever replace Long John, you come the closest of any program I've ever found.

Gene et al.,

I would love to hear a show on LJN. I started listening to him when I was ten (I'd read a Jean Shepherd article in MAD magazine in summer camp, became a rabid Shepherd fan, and discovered Long John in the process). Long John's show was my introduction to this whole paranormal world--Adamski and Van Tassel, deros and teros, mediums and magicians, carnies and con men and all the rest. It was in many ways my real education, especially since one of the results of my addiction was being half-awake though most of junior high and high school.
The Way Out World was one of the first I ran out and bought (at Brentano's on Fifth Avenue) as soon as it was published. Talk radio after him has never been the same.

My paranormal interests had been in abeyance for years until news of the death of John Keel brought me to the Paracast. I've listened to every program, some more than once. And while nothing and no one can ever replace Long John, you come the closest of any program I've ever found.


Thank you. More than anything, Long John made it happen first, way ahead of Art Bell!

One influence we continue is having regular panelists on the show. We've elevated them to co-hosts, of course. I do not, however, wish to get involved in sort of pranks John pulled, such as that alleged phone call that made him cut off an episode before it ended. That was just a prank and nothing more.
Thank you. More than anything, Long John made it happen first, way ahead of Art Bell!

One influence we continue is having regular panelists on the show. We've elevated them to co-hosts, of course. I do not, however, wish to get involved in sort of pranks John pulled, such as that alleged phone call that made him cut off an episode before it ended. That was just a prank and nothing more.

Thanks for doing that, Gene. I think the panel format was one of the things that made LJN's show so listenable. His one-on-one show (LJN Versus) on WNBC wasn't as enjoyable (though there was a certain schadenfreude in hearing someone ground into itsy-bitsy pieces).
