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Stagger Lee

Paranormal Adept
I'm looking for any past show that is dedicated to hauntings, where the guest goes into detail about particular cases of families dealing with such activity. I tried the John Zaffis show from many years ago, but that didn't cut it- as far as case examples. Thanks in advance.
Radio Misterioso does a good episode on the Entity case as well. Monster Talk has covered a number of very interesting haunting cases, but of course you will be getting a thoroughly skeptical approach from Radford. Once you get past some of the smarmy, anti-believer rhetoric & attitude these are often exceptional episodes with guests that are tops in their field and very well researched. Their archive is worth looking through!

I tried some other haunted, paranormal podcasts also, but I found most to be pretty light on fact and detail. BOA is the only other one I know that has also treated some of the haunting & ghostly world.

But aside from the Entity case, a good debunking of Amityville and that former ghost investigator couple (husband dead) I have run across very few family haunting episodes outside of those on Monster Talk. Please post any you find here.
Sep 26, 2013 1:48 AM
The Paracast Sep 21, 2008
Author Lisa Lindley, who describes herself as "a haunted survivor of a demonic haunting," and has written a series of books recounting her experiences. During the course of this conversation, Lisa will explain how these evil entities have terrorized her and her family.

I don't think I've heard (or forgotten) this episode. Doing a paracast archive search will reveal others, especially from the early years.