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Mad Cow

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
A Santa Clara University website says there is no link between GM foods and Mad Cow (Bovine encephalopathy has varied different types). But there is a definite difference of opinion and lots of health officials who appear to be told not to discuss the debate with lay people. The excerpt below is dated and a case of Mad Cow has been found in the US.

"Friday, October 22, 1999 By ROBERTA SCRUGGS, Staff Writer Blethen Maine Newspapers

Federal veterinarians will collect brain samples from 300 deer in western Maine next month as part of a nationwide investigation into a rare, but fatal, brain disease in humans.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was looking for any link between three young victims of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. All three had eaten deer or elk meat, and one of them, a 28-year-old woman, had eaten meat from a deer taken near Rangeley in the 1970s. From that tenuous tie, the study in Maine began.

"It's a jigsaw puzzle and they just have to get all the pieces," said Henry Hilton, a wildlife biologist at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob, which strikes about one person per million, is part of a family of diseases, called transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, that do similar damage to the brains of different mammals � deer, sheep, cattle, mink and humans. But they are different diseases, specific to each animal. In deer, it's called chronic wasting disease and there's no evidence it's ever been transmitted to humans, said Kathleen Gensheimer, state epidemiologist in Maine.

It's extremely rare even in deer. So far it's been found in only one place in the world � a corner of southeastern Wyoming and northeastern Colorado. About 4,500 deer have been tested for the disease elsewhere, from New Jersey to California, but all the tests have been negative.

"We all doubt very, very, very much that we even have chronic wasting disease among deer in Maine," Gensheimer said.

But it's not the deer disease that primarily concerns the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state agencies. The CDC is tracking Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which became notorious in 1996 when the British government announced a possible link between it and the version found in cattle, which became known as mad cow disease. A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has now claimed more than 40 lives in Great Britain and France. It's much more likely to strike younger people than the traditional form of the disease, which is mainly found in those over 55, Gensheimer said.

There have be no cases of that variant reported in the United States, Gensheimer said. Nor has there been any sign of mad cow disease in cattle here, according to Mike Marshall, state veterinarian for Utah.

But because of the heightened concern, any cases of CJD that strike a young person are thoroughly investigated. In addition to the victim who had eaten deer meat from Maine and elk meat from out West, there were two victims who had eaten elk or deer meat from Utah or Oklahoma, where deer studies also are being conducted.

"CDC is just trying to be thorough in their investigations of some of these unusual Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases that have been presented to them the last few years," said Michael Miller, state veterinarian in Colorado. Unlike mad cow disease, though, there is no evidence that the deer disease can be transmitted to people. Even where chronic wasting disease exists in Colorado and Wyoming, there has been no sign that the incidence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has increased, state officials said.

"The only connection is that those two diseases are both part of a whole family of diseases," Miller said. "But it's similar in my mind to the relationship between canine distemper and measles in people. The viruses that cause distemper and measles are both in the same family of viruses, but they cause very different diseases. . . . Dogs don't get measles and people don't get distemper."

Chronic wasting disease was first discovered in 1967 among captive animals at a Colorado wildlife research center. Over time, it also was found in the wild, affecting Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer which make up Maine's deer herd and black-tailed deer. It has spread slowly, Miller said, but affects about 5 percent of the roughly 62,000 deer in the infected area, between Cheyenne, Wyo., and Fort Collins, Colo.

Although the incubation period of the human form of the disease may be many years, in deer it only lasts 18 to 36 months, Miller said. In the late stages, sick animals can be spotted by those familiar with the disease, but in earlier stages deer may simply look skinny. There is no way to treat the disease, Miller said, and no way to make a sure diagnosis until the animal is dead and the brain tissue can be studied.

In the past 30 years, many people have hunted, handled and eaten infected deer with no apparent consequences, said Tom Thorne, former state veterinarian in Wyoming. "And I'm one of them," Thorne said. "I guess we're an on-going experiment. And I'm not worried."

Although Wyoming and Colorado hunters have received plenty of information about the disease, they continue to hunt in the infected area and eat elk and deer meat, Thorne and Miller said.

"In public meetings with hundreds of sportsmen," Miller said, "chronic wasting disease hasn't come up as an issue at all. What they're really wanting to know is what we're going to do to get more deer out there." [Miller's department draws 51% of its income from sale of hunting tags to non-residents -- webmaster.]

A big concern for Maine health and wildlife officials is that hunters and those who eat venison could be frightened by the study. Gensheimer said they hope to develop a brochure that stresses two main points: It's very unlikely that Maine deer have chronic wasting disease, and there's no evidence the disease would have any effect on people who consume venison. But she and wildlife officials also emphasize that it's just common sense not to kill or eat a deer that looks sick.

Gensheimer also said that there's no indication of unusual levels of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Maine. With a population of 1.2 million people, Maine has one or two cases a year, she said, which is about average. But she stops short of saying Mainers have nothing to worry about."


From further down in the above link which left the reader thinking there is no reason to worry about humans getting any form of Mad Cow – we have.

”Beef brain sandwiches feared link to CJD death in Indiana
Paul Harvey radio report; also October 10, 1999 edition of Evansville Courier & Press by Roberta Heiman tel 812-464-7432

“EVANSVILLE – A 68 year old man who had a fondness for beef-brain sandwiches may have died this summer after contracting “mad cow disease” a local forensic pathologist says. Francis Will died July 10 after suffering form months from symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a rare and fatal brain disorder related to what become known in Britain as mad cow disease.

Woll’s relatives believe he contracted the disease by eating beef-brain sandwiches, which are a local delicacy brought to the region years ago by German immigrants.

“My father lived 11 months after the first noticeable symptoms,” said Vicki Chandler of St. Louis, one of Will’s three daughters. “He had always been so healthy. In the 37 years he worked at Bristol (Brisol-Myers Squibb), he missed one day.”

Forensic pathologist John Heidingsfelder also suspects that Will may have died from a form of the CJD. He said within the last year he has seen three suspected cases, one confirmed by autopsy, in the region.

[A family member wrote this web site on 16 Oct 99 giving permission and encouragement for dissemination of this story. The reporter who wrote the story was said to have been issued a warning by the cattle association not to print any further articles; a deer hunter may also be dying of a TSE about 20 miles from Indiana victim’s home. Autopsy reports are not back yet; Ghetti and Gambetti are apparently the principal investigators involved in characterizing the cause of death. Even if the death is confirmed as CJD, no evidentiary link is established thereby to the beef brain sandwiches. While most Americans do not eat these, there are also a great many other German immigrants in the US.

This case is unlikely to be nvCJD because the UK strain of BSE is not plausbily present in Indiana beef brain. It is not known how other strains of BSE would manifest themselves pathologically or if they even exist at significant levels. Other dietary, medical, and genetic risk factors would also have to be evaluated. One thing has been affirmed: the American public is very suspicious of possible dietary exposure to TSE . — webmaster] “
Reminds me of that joke about two cows discussing the subject.

"Are you worried about mad cow disease one asks the other"

"No his friend replied why would i , im a chicken. cluck cluck cluck"
On a serious note

If we accept the implication that TSEs are a serious and growing menace to an ever growing global population, it is likely this knowledge is understood by aliens as well. The Prion Hypothesis suggests that aliens are mutilating cattle in order to monitor the spread of prion related diseases in animal life throughout the world. If this hypothesis holds true, we may soon be learning that sea creatures like seals and dolphins throughout have also been found to be contaminated with TSEs.
This Hypothesis has a corollary. Given the potential threat of prion related TSEs to the world’s human population, various scenarios and their consequences must already have been carefully reviewed by high ranking authorities. If so, the presence of dark, unmarked helicopters near mutilation sites could signify that covert government agencies are actively involved in similar prion monitoring. Perhaps it is even possible that such agencies are taking clues as to the possible spread of TSEs by following up on alien mutilation activity.
Assuming that aliens are indeed real and that they are in fact already interacting with humanity; it seems entirely possible that animal mutilations are their means of monitoring our demise as well as that of a wide range of other life forms.

Significant Observations Relating to Animal Mutilations, Expanded & Revised, By Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D.: HybridsRising.com
Let me understand how this goes.

IF this hypothesis is true THEN that means this one has validity and possibly that author is right. Add a couple assumptions and voila "Assuming that aliens are indeed real and that they are in fact already interacting with humanity; it seems entirely possible". Sorry Charlie you are not a Tuna!

And I am aware of how Hybridization has occurred in humanity - no aliens involved. But do give me your perceived motivation, agenda and the reason they simply do not take whatever they want and did not do so long ago.

In line with the person who Mack spent a long time studying and they came to the conclusion it was OK to let him believe he was "yoked to an alien-human HYBRID who he has many offspring with". (Not in the reality anyone has observed.) The esteemed gentleman above want s us to accept this kind of thing.

"Anal coring along with smaller circular or teardrop shaped apertures in the torso appear to be surgical orifices used for removal of the animal’s internal organs. It would seem unlikely that such a feat could be carried out through such small openings but careful inspection of the mutilated animals’ internal body cavity reveals that all if not most of its viscera have been removed."

I have different explanations but let me say this. Someone with a real kink has a long tongue. Just kidding but I really don't want to waste time on any of this at this time.
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"Researcher Bill Ellis places the first occurrence of "modern" cattle mutilation in England in the early 20th century, where mutilated cattle led to fears that a wolf was on the prowl. Over the course of the century, mutilations were attributed to various evil agents, including Satanists, hippies, and lunatics, before becoming attached to extraterrestrials in the 1960s.

The scare reached its height in the 1970s and 1980s, when several law enforcement and scientific investigations were launched to determine the cause of the phenomenon. The FBI was even compelled to investigate. Their investigation amounted to little more than collections of newspaper clippings because of jurisdictional issues, but they concluded that nothing seemed to be amiss in the deaths other than natural causes. This was a conclusion shared by other investigations.

In 1979, Sheriff Herb Marshall of Washington County, Arkansas, took a different approach when dealing with a flap of cattle mutilation reports in his jurisdiction. He obtained a fresh cow corpse and put it out in a field in conditions like the ones so-called mutilations were being found in. The corpse was watched for 48 hours straight. No aliens came for the corpse, nor did big predators; instead, the sheriff and his officers observed as a combination of bloating and blowflies went to work. Expanding gases split the stomach and exposed the internal organs; blowflies feasted on the organs and laid eggs in the soft-exposed tissues of eyes, lips, and anuses; and the resulting maggots devoured the soft tissues down to the bone. These flies can hatch in as little as ten hours, and the larvae can mature in as little as two days. The result was a caracas that matched the common mutilation story, all from natural causes. For Sheriff Marshall, that was case-closed on the mutilations in his area.

A decade later, researchers in Alberta, Canada looking into the matter actually published a scientific study of such stories in their area. These researchers found that

The parts reported missing from mutilated cattle are the same as those known to be removed by scavengers, primarily coyotes and birds, in the early stages of scavenging a carcass.

They concluded:

the mutilations are the work of scavenger animals, mainly coyotes and birds; the mutilations occur after the animal has died; and any investigation of bizarre gross findings in dead cattle must rule out scavenging beyond any reasonable doubt before proceeding to investigation of other possibilities.

Not much actual scientific study of the mutilation phenomenon has been published since then, because science doesn't really have much more to say on the matter. The opinions of learned studies mean little to true believers, however, and today stories of new mutilations still make headlines on some news sites, though often relegated to sections for "weird news" or reader-submitted reports. Believers refuse to accept the scientific consensus, and persist in claims that these deaths are the result of nefarious alien activities."

Cattle Mutilation

I have other suggested possibilities including psychic surgery practicing by Wiccans (etc.) at-a-distance.
Over the course of the century, mutilations were attributed to various evil agents, including Satanists, hippies, and lunatics, before becoming attached to extraterrestrials in the 1960s.

Yes buts thats how deduction works

'...when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
Sherlock Holmes
But it was not what remained - and you do seem to know how to read so you are just trying to deflect what the scientists said, in case some of your sheople are going to drop in on the thread.
Lets for the sake of argument assume that crop circles and cattle mutilation are being done by non terrestrial sophonts.....

Just for the fun of it mind you

What if they are two parts of a single message...................

Cereal crops get decorated with images of beauty, the seeds from within show increased yeild with less water requirements
Meat crops get mutilated and even scavengers wont touch them..........

What might that message be ?
The issue of crop circles being done by aliens is as ridiculous as aliens having an interest in cows in order to learn something about Earth interior design of gene material so they can alter and hybridize all life on Earth. Of course, these evil aliens have no connection with earlier religious creations and fictions to cause fear which are man made projections.

But despite there being good science showing crop circles are an interaction of Earth Energy with ionosphere's energy in much the same way Tesla used the Earth Energy Grid; the cult priests of alien demons are maintaining the continued abuse of people who need easy answers. I also see the possibility of archetypal design left in our ether by attunements made long ago by shamanic people. Some of the designs are Keltic (not the Roman epithet 'Celt' used to diminish and ridicule these earlier creators of most science and culture ripped off by Hellenizing Empire) or derived from the Ket early white people near the Caucasus.

This link to the science of Plasma energy interactions with earth water aquifers and porous rock like chalk includes much of what Gerald Hawkins of Boston University also proved. Yes, there are hoaxers who often are the alien priest manipulators, or their dumb farmyard creatures (sheeple) who accept cows are mutilated by aliens. The confessed hoaxers methods never replicate the exploding of stalks from within.

To witness cult people defend each other like barking dogs is a sight to behold. peer groupthink becomes family and sometimes even becomes all a person can give themself to, their raison d'etre.

"Stage 1: The Haters Gather

Irrational haters seldom hate alone. [10] They feel compelled, almost driven, to entreat others to hate as they do. Peer validation bolsters a sense of self-worth and, at the same time, prevents introspection, which reveals personal insecurities. [11] Further, individuals otherwise ineffective become empowered when they join groups, which also provide anonymity and diminished accountability.
Stage 2: The Hate Group Defines Itself

Hate groups form identities through symbols, rituals, and mythologies, which enhance the members' status and, at the same time, degrade the object of their hate. For example, skinhead groups may adopt the swastika, the iron cross, the Confederate flag, and other supremacist symbols. Group-specific symbols or clothing often differentiate hate groups. Group rituals, such as hand signals and secret greetings, further fortify members. Hate groups, especially skinhead groups, usually incorporate some form of self-sacrifice, which allows haters to willingly jeopardize their well-being for the greater good of the cause. Giving one's life to a cause provides the ultimate sense of value and worth to life. [12] Skinheads often see themselves as soldiers in a race war.
Stage 3: The Hate Group Disparages the Target

Hate is the glue that binds haters to one another and to a common cause. [13] By verbally debasing the object of their hate, haters enhance their self-image, as well as their group status. In skinhead groups, racist song lyrics and hate literature provide an environment wherein hate flourishes. In fact, researchers have found that the life span of aggressive impulses increases with ideation. [14] In other words, the more often a person thinks about aggression, the greater the chance for aggressive behavior to occur. Thus, after constant verbal denigration, haters progress to the next more acrimonious stage.
Stage 4: The Hate Group Taunts the Target

Hate, by its nature, changes incrementally. Time cools the fire of hate, thus forcing the hater to look inward. To avoid introspection, haters use ever-increasing degrees of rhetoric and violence to maintain high levels of agitation. Taunts and offensive gestures serve this purpose. In this stage, skinheads typically shout racial slurs from moving cars or from afar. Nazi salutes and other hand signals often accompany racial epithets. Racist graffiti also begins to appear in areas where skinheads loiter. Most skinhead groups claim turf proximate to the neighborhoods in which they live. One study indicated that a majority of hate crimes occur when the hate target migrates through the hate group's turf. [15]
Stage 5: The Hate Group Attacks the Target Without Weapons

This stage is critical because it differentiates vocally abusive haters from physically abusive ones. In this stage, hate groups become more aggressive, prowling their turf seeking vulnerable targets. Violence coalesces hate groups and further isolates them from mainstream society. Skinheads, almost without exception, attack in groups and target single victims. Research has shown that bias crimes are twice as likely to cause injury and four times as likely to result in hospitalization as compared to nonbias crimes. [16]"

The Seven-Stage Hate Model The Psychopathology of Hate Groups - International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)