Skilled Investigator
every since they did the server update a few days ago.....the website hasnt updated! im still showing august 31st as the latest show on ALL 3 Computers i own, and on my PSP, the RSS feed is still showing the august 31st show as the latest surely all 4 of my devices shouldnt need a cache flush (i did try that on 2 of them to no avail) and you cant even do that on a PSP im willing to bet im not the only one having this problem, this is the first time i have seen anything like this ive reproduced this on all my devices as well as a computer at work....however i had someone across the country try it and the webpage is updated correctly and the forums work in addition to flushing out teh DNS caches, i've reset my router 3 times (with the hard reset button) as well as my modem, FYI i had to use a proxy to get here!