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Man Finds A Dead Alien-Real Or Fake?

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Paranormal Novice
I am new here so please be gentle with me. I was thinking of something to write for my first post, I came across this on youtube, posted a couple of days ago. Some guy claims to have found the remains of a mangled, mutilated, mummified winged alien creature in a farmers field. When I first started viewing the clip I thought yeah this is not real, however, the more I watched it the more I was convinced that I might actually be looking at a biological creature made of some sort of flesh, wether that be chicken, lamb, beef, fish or alien biology is obviously open to debate. The guy gives us a good look at the thing and I think that the back of the head is rather convincing as it looks alienish, and appears to hang over the plate, he claims to have it in his freezer. I do not doubt that unexplained creatures exist as I saw something strange myself when I was a kid playing out, and if Mr Wong wants to claim he has an alien, then hey who am I to stand in his way, but do photos and footage of unexpalined phenomena prove anything no matter how bad or good they are, I mean take the moon landings, a lot of the footage does look like very early 1960's special effects? To read the full story you will have to click on the comments page http://www.youtube.c...ser/marcoliwong

if it was really alien would you keep it in your fridge along with your food? gaaaaads no!

i think it is just a bit of artwork using other pieces of animals.
This one is a hard pill to swallow. Why not give it to scientist to look at it? Give it to a university. If this was true it would be the greatest discovery of all time right. I think I am an openminded person but this one seem like hog wash to me. I could be wrong but I just dont buy it.

That about covers it
haha stoneheart - i would 'like' that post of yours a hundred times if i could!

sonofaskunk had a B.S flag that raised up but your B.S meter is vintage!
haha stoneheart - i would 'like' that post of yours a hundred times if i could!

sonofaskunk had a B.S flag that raised up but your B.S meter is vintage!

haha thanks man.. easy to google this stuff and I have my stock of "trolling" links for the totally bat shit crazy people out there :D when I need to use them.