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Manny not welcome @ the grove

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I was watching a documentary about Mall of America in Bloomington and it showed a security guard telling a person to take off her hood. She simply had on a hoodie jacket. Seemed that didn't bother anybody. :eek: I would have been really pissed had some little "hitler" told me what I could wear in a public mall. Now, I'm not commenting on the alledged homophobia of this man. But, once we go that route I'm afraid we are going down a slippery slope. Freedom of speech and expression these days seems to be. "Whatever, I agree with or the powers that be allow is free" otherwise, not so much.
I was watching a documentary about Mall of America in Bloomington and it showed a security guard telling a person to take off her hood. She simply had on a hoodie jacket. Seemed that didn't bother anybody. :eek: I would have been really pissed had some little "hitler" told me what I could wear in a public mall. Now, I'm not commenting on the alledged homophobia of this man. But, once we go that route I'm afraid we are going down a slippery slope. Freedom of speech and expression these days seems to be. "Whatever, I agree with or the powers that be allow is free" otherwise, not so much.

Good Point. Its an issue im still on the fence on myself, generally as long as something doesn't intrude on my rights ( the right to form an opinion, Grove administration?) Im ok w/it. I am starting to see things a little differently now. I did vote for prop 8 at the time and the whole procedure left a sour taste in my mouth , the gall to put something on the ballot and let the people decide and then have the courts take out from under us was as big an insult to me as the whole idea was to gay rights activists.

Perhaps I should have gotten a bunch of people and marched in streets during rush hour and shut down restaurants as well. Oh well that was a different spooky. Its not a big leap to think that the grove is just pandering to a certain crowd, and if manny had planned, or is planning, to drop 10-20k on any shopping while he was there, you can be damn sure the powers that be would pull a 360 and find a graceful face saving way out. A manny clause if you will.
You know, angelo I don't know if I can answer that.Would you accept the answer of "im not sure?" Im not an especially religious person. I am aware of that leviticus quote only because it gets thrown around so much. As I mentioned I am on the fence on the while issue now I had a more negative opinion on it at one time. I have pretty libertarian values on many other things what ever people do within the own home or cliques...if that is an appropiate word...is their own business, if anything I think I don't like the fact that legalization almost forces me (i.e. the state) to acknowledge/accept an issue that i and others are not ready to do so and let me say right now, im ok with medicinal marijuana and accept that others do not feel the same. If that had passed and got overturned I probably would of been teed off as much. I suppose if it (gay marriage) was a real big issue with me and passed, i'd just move .( I wouldn't) because I also am big on states rights and all for letting the majority decide.I am also aware that if everyone held that line of thinking then the civil rights acts probably would have been delayed more than it was.

Its funny you ask though, because I was planning to post ( probably long-winded knowing me) on a similar subject. And while it would be geared toward those who consider them to be believers and those who considers themselves skeptics it was to be on WHY we choose a certain side. I can say quite honestly, in a fair amount of soul searching I had to justify or question certain beliefs I held that upon digging deeper conflicted with other beliefs I had or have. Ah, the human condition.
fwiw, i can tell you why i went from prop 8 voter to where i would abstain now. Now let me repeat an earlier what i said earlier, i'm not an especially religious person and what i know about the bible could fill a thimble. but what i reasoned to myself was this:

i cannot deny anybody the right to fall in love with another person even if it is of the same sex and if two people do have such strong feelings for each other, then any consentual contract , be it marriage or any other binding agreement is justified.

Not knowing a lot about the bible, i did ask myself and a few other men of the cloth if homosexuality is such a game breaker why would it not appear in any of the 10 commandments, (did moses drop a tablet on his way back down from mt. siani ?) i didn't really get any satisfactory answers. i do know there are passages scattered in the bible that speak out against homosexuality but did they come from God or people that claimed they spoke for God? I don't think even Jesus directly spoke out against it. for that matter if marriage was such a sancrosinctic institution why does it not appear in any of the commandments i.e. keeping it within the laws of God? As far as the other quotes attributed to other people about the sins of homosexuality i don't give them a lot of credit, for i know that then as now, people have a certain agenda and are only all too willling to bend things to their liking and then get others to see things the same way. While i would never disparage the bible we are talking about an instrument that's been in the hands of men (an imperfect being) for some 2000+ years and no one with any common sense could argue that it hasn't been edited, deleted, distorted in that time to fit the views of the clergy and the gentry. and even in the time of the people who are spoken of in the bible, many scolars agree that these biblical stories existed as parables and stories, handed down from person to person before they made their way into our religious texts.

Given all that though, i still have some misgivings that i cant quite quantify but as i said instead of voting against any proposition condemning gay marraige i would not vote on the issue at all and ask both sides to accept the will of the voters at large. i thought at one time the best thing to do was to keep it out of a state run institution and contain it to a religious institution (marriage) and if a certain church condemned it, find another or start another religion.
How about this one guys?

In banks and gas stations in my city, there are signs everywhere asking motorcyclists to take off their helmets before entering. Fair enough as it could be misconstrued as someone going to rob the place.
So what about women with their faces and bodies covered?

And......talking about hoodies etc, it is perfectly natural to be freaked out by not seeing someone's face. As humans we have evolved to read subtle hints that are not spoken. To not be able to do this puts us at a disadvantage.

How would any of you or your wives/girlfriends feel about walking around a town in which men routinely wore balaclavas covering their faces? It would freak me out and I am a big guy who is generally never scared.
i did sorta get pulled off topic with that inquiry by angelo, but it was a perfectly reasonable question, so i ended up getting side-tracked and it did remind me of another thread i am going to start with a theme that is even present in this post which is how do we justify/alter our belief systems when they clash w/another of our beliefs. in this case i take exception to the grove's "banning" manny p. from appearing there in an interview after voicing his opinion of gay marraige.

part of the reason i had a change in beliefs in gay marraige, i documentated above and it basically came down to as a self-professed libertarian and all-around good guy human being i couldn't possibly justify the right for two consenting people to establish a relationship and my feelings on it would be, SHOULD BE as irrevelent as a gay man's (or womens) opinion on any heterosexual relationship i had....as long as it was consentual, and consentual is the key word here, otherwise one could justify all kinds of behavior.

My original (unmentioned) point: I thought the grove's banning of manny p. is somewhat self-serving and pandering to a certain important demographic ( still do) because had grove management said nothing, chances are the demographic in question (the gay community in nearby west hollywood) would have had some things to say about future patronage and that probably would have the shopping center concerned. do i know this for a fact? no i do not. just an theory, But why couldn't the grove just distance itself from manny's opinion with that disclaimer you see/hear on some interview programs...the following view does not necessarily reflect, yadda,yadda,yadda ??

the point is is that as is usually the case, money talks and bs walks. i'm sure if manny wanted to spend some dough there, the mangement would find a face-saving way out and even if the gay community did get up in arms and threaten some kind of boycott/protest(completely hypothetical boys and ghouls) the grove would offer some kind of mea culpa in the form of discounts or something and all would be forgiven and all would be nice-nice again

herein lies my problem: i have to consider, as distasteful as it is to me, if the grove property is a privately-held property (the ones with those little brass plaques in the ground that establish the right to revoke permisson of passage or whatever they say, i don't pay a lot of attention to them) then they should be able to take whatever action they deem necessary...a public gathering place is another animal...the libertarian in me thinks that if I said something even moderately distasteful in this forum,the moderators would have every right to ban me, even without an explanation, being a private forum. i do appreciate the even headedness here and the restraint the moderators show, but it's their forum and their call, i would have to respect their decision and take my semi-coherent meandering posts elsewhere. i really belief and respect this position

and this is to be the main point of a thread that i am working on , our belief systems and those pesky inconvient truths, the ones that pop up and cause conflict with what you thought was an established belief system. the thing i am working on though is i am also working on another similar theme in that i wanted to ask the skeptics why they are skeptical on paranormal phenomena, besides the usual need to see it, touch it, see it kind of thing, which i respect but i had a question to that sentiment and i have to be ready to back it up with why i "believe," or want to belief, so that's three different aspects i have to tackle so it may be a few days before i get it all settled out