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Mark Pilkington

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Skilled Investigator
Would greatly love to see him on the show. I'm excited for 'Mirage Men' to arrive, and based on Pilkington's work for Fortean Times (as well as his study of the crop circle situation), I'm pretty confident it'll be a solid work.
Ha, now that you say that, I'd actually prefer Karl! He has a definite history of interest in the paranormal, and he's quite a bit more genuine than most of the personalities involved.

(I actually have an "I Love Karl Pilkington" hoodie)
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing Mirage Men, as I was also interviewed in it. I know I'm in the book, but we'll see if I made the final cut of the film :)
I dunno, seems to me like the author of the dailymail article is trying to bend the book's contents to suit his own version of truth. From the review it seems like the book ends on a more or less agnostic note.

I'm hoping the July 29th release date I've heard is valid, 'cos Amazon says mid-September, and I'm growing impatient.
Actually, when I posted that link I should have made clear that when I said good, I meant good by the standards of the Daily Mail, which is a horrible excuse for a paper! But, aye, from his own blog and the article in FT this month, I don't think he'd claim everything in the UFO field was down to the intelligence services- there's a better review of it on the Magonia blog: THE MAGONIA BLOG It may not tell us a huge amount we don't already suspect but it sounds like he's dug up some interesting stuff.
rhcball- Amazon UK is listing it as having a release date of today, maybe it's being released in the States later? Not sure what the exchange rate is like, but think the pound is pretty crappy so may not be prohibatively expensive to order from the UK.
I checked out an article on Pilkington in the Daily Mail, which finds his ideas very credible, saying:

UFOs make the perfect cover story to hide experimental aircraft from prying Russian eyes as well as those of their own citizens. Ufologists are a particular pest to U.S. Air Force security, for ever trying to root around their secret projects and hack into their systems - they need to be led up various extraterrestrial garden paths and far away from finding out about actual highly-classified experiments in weaponry or aircraft.


Well I'm not ready to believe that the whole UFO thing is just something cooked up by the military to cover up secret projects. I think they may have exploited it for that purpose on occasion, but there is definitely more to it than some fabricated program to distract us all from secret military doings. Sure there have been many sightings at military installations, but that only focuses attention on them, and certainly does not distract us from them. Then too, if it's all been made up by the military and the government for that purpose what about all the sightings and incidents that were nowhere near anything military?

What would be the military purpose of the Kecksburg incident or Cape Girardeau? I don't know, it just doesn't wash with me.
That's more the paper overstating the case rather than Pilkington's own beliefs, his book doesn't claim the military's behind every case, just that they stir the pot for their own ends from time to time, and some of that has has become entrenched in what some people believe, e.g. the Dulce mythos.
Oh, well okay, that makes more sense. I'm quite sure the military and intelligence agencies have indeed stirred the pot for their own ends and exploited the UFO phenomenon for their own purposes. If you can't make it go away you might as well make some use of it.
Oh, well okay, that makes more sense. I'm quite sure the military and intelligence agencies have indeed stirred the pot for their own ends and exploited the UFO phenomenon for their own purposes. If you can't make it go away you might as well make some use of it.

I totally agree with you there. There have been a lot of CIA people in Ufology. I was good friends with a former one (Karl Pflock who passed away from Lou Gerigs Disease back on June 5 of '06) I was aquantences with Another. ***To my knowledge*** it is still not publicly (?) known that this guy had been a contract---- worker for CIA for decades. He is a well-respected Ufologist going back decades. Very low key person. (Goll I wonder why.....)
Derrel Symms < spelled ?) Has not been secretive about his employ with Agency. Then there is the legendary Ron Pandolfi of "The Ufo Desk". Dr. Bruce Maccabee associated with Agency. Members of The Aviary. Dr. Christopher (Kit) Green. Some of the remote viewers.
I have theories about some Ufo guys not 'outed', but I can't prove.

---------- Post added at 02:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

I have seen Ufos long ago. There IS A REAL Ufo phenomenon that is not created by the intelligence agencies, but I am convinced that much of it (the anomalous ones) are more paranormal than extraterrestrial.