I love that you see that post as rude, baiting, and deserving an open season of ad hominem.
The trouble is Lance that if your remarks regarding Brandenburg were just confined to that one post and this thread, then it would appear somewhat inoffensive. But when one travels over to other brandenburg related threads one finds a rather different story.
This taken from a thread started by you Titled "Brandenburg":
"Dr. Brandenburg pontificated at will, thrilling us with his encyclopedic knowledge of history of known and unknown civilizations.
It was amusing to hear Brandenburg and the co-host relate the tale of Napoleon shooting off the nose of the Sphinx as one of the many "facts" dispensed in his dizzyingly undocumented style.
This "fact" has the unfortunate problem of not being true. It is a story that is often repeated by those who know nothing about the history of the Sphinx. Simply put, it never happened.
I am sure that the rest of his scholarship is top notch and we should all agree to change our world view on his say so.
On his quotes i believe you are quite correct. But it is the begining of a tirade against Brandenburg and our esteemed co-host and indeed the show in general.
It's clear to anyone who has been following the related threads regarding Dr Brandenburg especially the hosts and co-hosts that have presented him that you have little or no regard for the good Doctor. Now that on its own is no problem. You are entitled to your opinion of him as is anyone else. Later in that thread you seem to turn your attention to baiting Chris O'Brien:
"I thought he (Brandenburg) was horrible last time and this time he was atrocious but the co-host (Chris O'Brien) seemed quite eager to have back on to talk about his other new new book. This is where the Paracast is headed unfortunately."
Then there was this classic put down of the Paracast in general:
"Hey as long as everyone agrees that most of the ideas discussed on the Paracast are totally entertaining bullshit, I am cool with that.
I think that is what I have been saying for a long time (except the entertaining part).
I always found it entertaining to think that people's critical thinking skills were so low that they actually believed the stuff the guests were selling. I had no idea that everyone has been laughing at the guests all along."
To be fair you weren't the only one to bag Dr Brandenburg. And once again you are entitled to your opinion.
And take a look at my first post in this thread and tell me about the rage you felt due to my abject rudeness.
Personally I dismiss your rudeness as a quaint idiosyncrasy.
So by the time we get to your "innoffensive first post which, lets face it, could have been written by you as it fits your perceived biases and opinions of the paranormal :
Wow. Journal of Cosmology!
From Wikipedia:
Journal of Cosmology is accused of promoting fringe viewpoints on astrobiology, astrophysics, and quantum physics. Skeptical blogger and biologist PZ Myers said of the journal "... it isn't a real science journal at all, but is the ginned-up website of a small group of crank academics obsessed with the idea of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe that life originated in outer space and simply rained down on Earth".
The journal's editor, Rudolph Schild, also published several papers on "Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Objects" (MECOs), a fringe alternative to black holes, in the journal.
On 11 March, in an open letter to the editors of Science and Nature, Schild proposed to establish a commission to investigate the validity of the Hoover paper, which would be led by three experts appointed by Journal of Cosmology, Science and Nature.[14] The journal said it would interpret "any refusal to cooperate, no matter what the excuse" from Nature or Science as "vindication for the Journal of Cosmology and the Hoover paper, and an acknowledgment that the editorial policies of the Journal of Cosmology are beyond reproach".
It's no wonder that some here are ready to unleash a barrage of ad hominems. Your writing style seems to have a culmulative effect on people. It seems that Don and others may remember your vitriolic style from you previous remarks to them or their guests.
What amuses me is that you think that you can post back handed insults and purely provocative posts and then cry foul when someone tells you what THEY think of YOU when, in the case of Dr Brandenburg you haven't been backwards in coming forward when telling US exactly what YOU think of him. Like provokes like.
C'mon Lance admit it, you just love a good verbal stoush. If you hadn't been hobbled by the mods you would be out there ad homining your heart out every chance you got. Indeed some of those posts are bordering on that anyway.
I pity anyone so lacking in even a basic sense of fairness. But don't worry you fit right in here.
It seems that there is less fun when the rabbit's got the gun.